
In all fairness, both candidates appear to get great joy from being compulsive liars. If we relied on moderators to fact check this debate, 90% of the program would just be moderators saying “no that’s a lie”.

True. I would imagined the Zooker watched the play live in agony before realizing it was a heady move by Ty Montgomery.

Two things

the whole part where she yells “Keith! Dont you do it” is really odd.

No, you’re an idiot. Since I called you a name last, it means I win the internet argument right?

like you know she is the one that shot the guy, right? And the police department didn’t bring charges, it was the DA. But yes, you’re right, let’s speculate on sexism because it must be that.

Whoa, hey, how dare you disprove this comment strings strawman argument by presenting factual evidence to disprove it. Who do you think you are?

I think it has more to do with the fact she pulled the trigger, shot the guy, and manslaughtered him, but i’m not a DA, so I can only speculate.

probably by voting for a major party candidate that is actually appealing to the masses...unfortunately none exist in this election

Agree with all of this. Obviously, the TNA players crazy sick raw abilities. Imagine how good these guys will be in their respective NHL careers over the next decade with more NHL experience, coaching, strength training, etc to developing into more well rounded players.

I mean non of these goals were like that goal Steve Mason let in from Chimera’s dump in during the playoffs, but as a lifelong goalie and long time hockey coach, I saw opportunity for Murray on all these shots and didn’t think his performance was all that good, considering his team drastically outplayed the opponent,


I’ve yet to see TNA get drastically outplayed then rely on its former Vezina winning goaltender to stand on his head and steal the game, so I’m curious as to how you think Russia played a TNA style game to win?

I’d argue goaltending is a bigger issue since Murray gave up a few softies last night.

I worked at a golf course that had both a john deere gator that could do ~30mph and a ATV that could definitely go faster than an NFL player. If I’m in the situation outlined above, and I can get to the maintenece garage with some time, I’m firing up one of the high speed vehicles that are there. We also had a large

perhaps Trump’s views of teh Clintons changed over time, similar to how Hillary no longer calls black kids “super predators” and since 2012, has supported gay marriage?

So serious question here. Ice Bucket Challenge let to an influx of dollars donated that funded research that led to a breakthrough.

How is it confirming her comments? She projected her insecurities towards him and it was worded in a way so that people would interpret it in a way that brought shame to Beckham.

I know, right. I mean Finebaum’s ancestors were systematically forced to live through hell and attempted extermination at the hands of the Nazis so he’s an idiot to be Jewish and not have complete empathy for the cause!

Carey’s biggest issue was whenever they cut to him to describe a call, his commentary on the official’s calls or the replay reviews was often in complete contrary of the on field official’s ruling or what they gave as the explanation.