
the part that grinds my gears about this is that if she actually cared to the point where she says she does, this ‘misspeak’ doesn’t happen. The apology appears to be heartfelt and all that, but really, the initial comments were a complete slap in the face of anyone directly or indirectly impacted by AIDS during that

Is this going to be the new thing? “Hey all, I’ve been taking this borderline performance enhancer long before it was recently banned” and then we’re expected to be sympathetic? I mean I dont care about performance enhancers, but the PR shtick in the coming months/years is going to be a pain in the backside.

Ha, joke’s on you. He’s half Cuban/half Colombian, pal. Nice try. Next you’re going to tell me Shaun King is black.

Why is Doug Peterson getting rid of only blackguys? DATS RAYCISS

how dare they support their friend and his side of the story!

damn, someone has a case of the mondays. never a good thing when the annoying reply is longer than the articles itself. get over yourself, man, they’re joking about ice cream.

Funny part is if this story was on Jezebel, it would be presented as such that five guys are crazy to think they can bang on the window of a closed gym with two women inside and the police not get called.

If it were five white guys banging on the window of a closed business with two girls inside, the cops would definitely be called. And what higher price did Kam pay? Cops were called, they showed up, checked into the situation, and nothing came of’s exactly what their supposed to do.

This sounds like a fun triathlon event. Also think the increases awareness that Angola is receiving from this will be beneficial for prisoners’ stories being shared. And shoot, if I were to do this, I think the emotional feeling that comes with being in this ground would definitely motivate me to not do anything that

Weird thing is, since Iowa, it’s been expected that Trump would be nominee. The prevailing thought was “oh sure he’s polling well, but when folks hit the polls, they’ll punch another name”. Not only did that not happen, more folks came out to caucus. Although Cruz won, Trumps showing proved he was a serious candidate

9.75 on a real ruler. never thought much of my hand size and honestly shocked that Brandon Allen’s (and really any real NFL prospect) are 8.5"-9" after doing this exercise.

Ohhh, can’t wait for Shaun King to write about an NHL player’s past misdealings. Since he’s white, he probably follows hockey, right?!?!

or this is a case of a player not being a focused professional during the doldrums of an otherwise forgettable season for MTL and the coach decided to sit him down for a spell?

This Hernandez guy seems like a nice and reasonable fellow with a good head on his shoulders.

while i don’t care about the all star game, Scott should never have been in the discussion to begin with.

100% agreement. anytime a tie is worn with jeans, it is an abomination.

My favorite part is where you mocked PK by writing a post with a word count that only he could appreciate

The outcome makes no sense based on the story you shared. Angry brother didn’t appreciate being told not to be angry by a person that regularly provides guidance to people in similar positions, so you cut off communication with a good friend of the family. Huh?

OBJ is really doing a great job of accepting responsibility for his actions

are you talking about the play that occured around 11 mins left in first where they were both grabbing each other, then OBJ suddenly dove backwards like he was a Euro soccer player trying to draw the foul?