There is a difference between a change in art style and a change in his outward appearance, which really has changed all that much, and i know since I have been binge watching everything DB for the past 2 months in preparation for DB super.
There is a difference between a change in art style and a change in his outward appearance, which really has changed all that much, and i know since I have been binge watching everything DB for the past 2 months in preparation for DB super.
Now that one family that needs group therapy
I think good old Mickey might have found his rival.
I swore that I was done with call of duty but they keep pulling me right back in.
Nope it not but at least its better then bat suit nipples.
We don’t know if it's actually batman in the voice over for all we know it Lex.
I don’t think it is the pose that is bad it is the composition as a whole that is way off, the biggest problem is the otter lack of foreshortening. For instant the hand in front should be nearly the same size as his knee and a bit longer, while the hand in back should be a bit smaller to ad depth.
He makes far more sense then Goku because he is way to powerful as a character to be in Smash they would have to nerf the hell out of him.
I did as well, she seem like a no brainier to me because the way she fights would fit perfectly into Smash.
I personally would prefer if Bayonetta were to be in the game.
she needs to sue the plastic surgeon because those are really lopsided.
No she doesn't, have you never seen a fashion models stand.
No one stands normal in any comic book men included, also standing "normal" is not appealing from a design stand point.
Mic aren't that necessary, I don't use a mic and most of the heist I've been on are successful, its rule #2 that the problem.
I think your Pikachu needs to go on a diet, how does he even fit in a pokeball.
I most certainly prefer the modern design.
I just love the fact that they used actual scissors to make it.
Well at least Storm trooper armor can protect against something that isn't a Blaster, a lightsaber, or an Ewok.
I thought this was a Fighting Game when did appearance start mattering more than the the fighting style and gameplay of a character.
Yeah but Snake did have one really bad ass electricwheelchair.