The Biebster's got a P71 (Formerly not Justin Bieber)

Would you like whole wheat toast to much on?

Nothing worse than linguinies that are picked too soon. Grilling them more won't even make them tender.

If you've got a rear wheel drive car which has much lot less weight over the driven wheels, putting weight, like a sandbag, over the wheels will help tremendously. You'll probably waste a bit more fuel, but it beats being stuck.

This the most '80's car on Ebay, which logically makes it the best. It's a 1989 Shelby Dodge Dakota. Signed by the man himself. Beat that. And it's only 5k.

1980 Peugeot 504. RWD. wagon. diesel.,,,,auto.

Yes. There is also this Supra. Which is better than the Celica Supra IMHO.

He should try the Women & Women First Bookstore in Portland.

The US should actually mandate amber turn signals. The center high mounted stop lamp (CHMSL) that popped up in 1986 is great, and is now too ingrained to eliminate, but the problem it was trying to solve could have been solved with amber signals.

At last! It's the return of the Mohs Ostentatienne Opera Coupe!

Fifties Britain. Definitely a greyer, poorer place, still rebuilding after the war - but looking over at the US to see what was coming.

Have you seen the 50s?

The Official Car of the 1990s, in The Official Color of the 1990s.

Tri-Five chevys of the 50s. 1.7 MILLION in just three years. Defined the American automobile moving forward. It had some small fins, had a splash of chrome, some pastel colors, and a healthy V8. It came in multiple body styles and was a conventional sedan type body.

Honda. Master of the motorcycle. They had a good run at building cars as well, although they could've stopped somewhere last decade considering their current lineup.

Tractor company!!!