The Biebster's got a P71 (Formerly not Justin Bieber)

I tried left foot braking when I had my permit. The hardest stops ever. Right foot worked much better.

Lastkraftwagen, Universalmotorgerät (Unimog).

Then scrape those nasty stick figure family stickers off your car, while you're at it. I don't need to know that you put it up the "vag" to add to the world population.

One's sexuality has nothing to do with their political affiliations and the Indiana Youth Group is safe place for gay youth, not a political group. To support a safe place for minorities does not mean you "take it up the poop shoot" means you stand for freedom (you must have been kidding me with that...even my

You think they could have come up with a better design, but it is still better than the childish scrawls on those anti-choice place.

(dons flamesuit)

I don't like it. It looks like a Rav4 from the front and the side profile is incredibly awkward and bulky.

Get out of the left lane. Even if you think you're going fast. Use it when you need to use it, and then get out. Obviously there's a degree of judgment that needs to be used, say in city centers in heavy traffic, but as a general rule.

Also, in stop and go traffic, drive like you're driving a manual and trying to keep