The Biebster's got a P71 (Formerly not Justin Bieber)

Six doors, too?

Have any jalops ever dd'd a limo?


For real though, the 76 is my favorite.

Bubble Brougham?!

I love the idea of Rallycross but we somehow don't really have anything around here.

My first car was a 1987 Dodge Ram 50. I bought it for $500 and sold it in worse shape for $900 to some rednecks that had come down from up north. I can only hope it's bombing around the woods or hauling crap but it's more likely rusting away in a field or hit a deer.

Holy shit this looks fun and expensive.

I bet with good safety test results this would do well if it stayed around the Chinese price.

Spheres? SPHERES?!?!?!?

Aggressively bad design? Must be a GM.

That's a charming car. I love the seats.

I'll be driving the Crown Vic all winter, just like I did last two winters. I think the most important things for driving a rear-wheel drive tank in the snow is to go slow, be aware of what you're driving into, and accept the fact that you'll probably get stuck once or twice. I have the benefit of living in a city

What a cutie. I think 1.25 speed sounds most like an old diesel. Also thank you jalops for teaching me about Youtube speed adjusment

Wow, I didn't even know they could do that. The want increases. I would love to find a really, really clean one but they're all rust up here.

I totally forgot how bad the Astro was. Wow.

Yeah, but at least the Aerostar was cool.

Chevy Venture's still the worst minivan.

Yeah, that's what I've heard. It's probably similar in Austin and parts of Minneapolis too.

Madison, WI