The Biebster's got a P71 (Formerly not Justin Bieber)

I can't believe people are still getting butthurt about these articles. Go sit in your wingback chair, adjust your lumbar pillow, drink some decaf folgers and let us talk about cool cars while you read back issues of consumer reports from the library.

I had my steering shaft replaced in the recall before so I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for another letter.

I'm tearing up a little bit reading everyone's heartfelt memories of Click & Clack. I credit Tom and Ray with my fascination with cars so it hurts to hear that one of them has passed. It was a family tradition to listen to NPR on weekend mornings. As a young kid I was interested in cars but no one else in my house

Most spooky drive I've ever had: Back in high school I had a Dodge Ram 50 with an awesome CB radio. One night I was giving my friend a ride home late at night. It was really foggy, and we were driving on a narrow road that runs along the river in town. Just to fuck around we're playing with the CB which is making a

In other words, about 2" taller than a 14'/17'/20' U-Haul truck.

It's a high roof, which has a height of 110" stock. There's a 2" lift kit, and the tires add maybe another 2"? The roof rack and lights add maybe a little less than a foot so now we're at 124", or about 10' 4".

I don't understand how people can be so short-sighted. There's a 100% chance that gas prices will eventually shoot up again, so why the hell would you buy a vehicle that get like 17 mpg just so you can bitch about it a year or two down the road? I, on the other hand, already own a car that gets 17 mpg and I'm not in

I was unsure until I saw the interior. Sold.

How fucking tall is that thing?

All it is is a shitty Chevy with a shitty body kit and shitty paint and a Range Rover grille and headlights. If they used a newer Silverado and did a near-stock build using a lot more RR parts, I would be impressed. This, I am not.

For like one month when I was 9 a Solara was my dream car. Then I fuckin wised up.

Not enough people

I was hoping this was going to be a story of a single-digit miles Miata hiding in a garage, but it turned out to be better.

I just drove from Madison, WI to Cedar Rapids, IA. I filled up for $3.15, regular, before I left, and it's only $2.98 here. It's the cheapest I remember since I started driving.

It looks like they get even more!

I really like the Escape with the colored body cladding instead of the grey we get.

That's a good deal for a VW van or for a mini-camper.

I'll take this (It's not a SHO but it's a V6, and the color is better) and keep the change. I like your articles, but this one is a little but of a stretch.

The ebay listing for this Ferrari is at $30,000. Used current-gen Tauruses on my local cl are $15,000-$20,000. Good try.