I found one of those in a little barn in Colorado. A DJ on a radio station with about 10 songs told me where it was, then my friend Dak restored it for free!
I found one of those in a little barn in Colorado. A DJ on a radio station with about 10 songs told me where it was, then my friend Dak restored it for free!
To be honest, I skipped to the good part so I might have missed it, but why is it so important to get the dash out? I can't imagine a situation where there isn't an easier way to get someone out.
I love it.
Ugly really is popular, isn't it? Those wheel arches make me nauseous.
Reminds me of the Top Gear Middle East Special when the Z3 keeps saying "armed" and "disarmed."
I want 3.
If a guy tried to pick me up in any of these I don't think I could resist.
I bet more people run on biodiesel here than just about anywhere else but is it really such big news that we can do it? It seems that whenever I hear about biofuels people act like their new and groundbreaking, but a dozen of my neighbors have been using it for years already.
Good lord that is hideous.
Worst car for making out in.
I'm not proud of it but the one time i drove after a few bowls I felt safer than ever. Why? If we went over about 8 mph it felt like the car was lifting off the ground and we both freaked out so we kept it slow and only made it about 8 blocks before we gave up and walked the rest of the way anyways.
We rented a new Nissan Quest in SoCal last spring. In rental spec, I believe there was a bank of 6 to 8 blanks to the left of the steering wheel and then basically all the way across and down to the bottom of the dash were more blanks.
Unfortunately, that teal line will end right at the Wisconsin border, thanks to our fool of a governor.
Rosendale, WI
That's actually great. I'd drive the fuck out of that.
Reminds me of in 6th or 7th grade, the cab fleet my dad works for is still mostly Vics and it had snowed a lot, so after he dropped me off he drifted a lap around the school, basically sideways the whole time.
I would really like to get a Road America sticker. I've never been on it but I like it a lot and it's in my very own state.
What is the etiquette of track stickers? Should you only put them on if you've been to the track or is it acceptable to show your fondness for a track even if you haven't been to it/on it?
Even though that is the douchiest thing I have ever seen, I would still live there.
I already know mine is about 50 miles.