The Biebster's got a P71 (Formerly not Justin Bieber)

Better solution.

Watch out for Walter White. He's lurking hard.


I really like Laforzas. I mean, I REALLY like them. How can you go wrong with an insanely luxurious interior (Have you seen the seats uncovered? ohmygod.) on a bulletproof Ford drivetrain. Add the rarity and obscurity and it's a perfect mix.

It's called bending over and spraying under your car.

What a fucking asshole. I love how the Highlander driver slowly started to roll forward. If I was the red Corolla driver, I would have snapped it into reverse and slammed on the gas, then the brakes.

Well, around here anything of that year is rusted to death.

I was thinking that $600 isn't bad for a pretty solid looking car, even with the ecomodder junk. But then I saw the rest of the cons.

I love that vintage crew cab. I wish there were any left in good shape.

And that put the battery from 99% to 12%.

That's actually a very handsome car, especially compared to some of the other suggestions.

I saw Dave driving his truck in Newport Beach. He's basically the only non-political celebrity I've ever seen outside of a planned appearance.

Not shocked it's from Rockford. They don't have much else to do there.

hehehehe 69

I wouldn't mind if my next car had one. But it's more likely that when I buy a car with this it will already be a 20 year old beater.

I'm not comparing the cars, just their exhaust notes.

I agree. Personally, I prefer the American V8. I don't feel the Mercedes as much. It doesn't sound a whole lot different than our 6 cyl ML320 at WOT.

I totally agree. On there's got to be nearly a hundred videos of everyone's different exhaust setups, and some are just fantastic.

Don't tell Mercedes.

I know the Tracer because I see one almost every day on my way home. I never would have guessed the Toronado though. I didn't know about the decklid lights. Those are awesome.