That is insanely ugly. Also, can you see anything out those windows? It looks worse than an H3.
That is insanely ugly. Also, can you see anything out those windows? It looks worse than an H3.
There's a lot of weird cars in the backgrounds too, albeit newer ones. I am truly jealous of his collection. I'd have a very similar goal if I were to collect.
Ah, yeah. I see that now. My mistake.
I actually liked those a lot tool since they started using them. They just look so much nicer than standard bulb lights and they're a lot more visible during the day.
I think this ad is especially funny because in the world it shows everyone would be driving Camrys and Corollas.
Those are awesome. They remind me of the old b and c pillar lights.
I think that this is a suitable punishment, and I bet she won't do it again. Suspending her license for a long time would probably have done the trick too though.
I like how it looks. It's definitely aiming right at the Sprinter though with the tall van shape.
Really? They can only fit 7 people in that? I guess all the 12, 13, 15, 16, 18 passenger van sales will be going to Chevy.
I stand corrected. I do like the W engines though. My uncle used to have a W8 Passat and it was sweeet.
Now all 10 people who actually ENJOY GT5 can see a camoflage car. Wunderbar
around here there's 55 gallon drums at many intersections, so I'm not worried about needing to empty out sand from my sandbags. I did use some 5 gallon pails last year when I had a truck, but I think I might make it with just two 50lbs sandbags this year. I might get two more as I see how it goes. I've never driven…
Wasn't it a W10?
I love the PS2 one!
I commend the Benz and GMC drivers.
I agree 10000%!
I'd buy them.
True. IIRC they specifically calibrated reverse gear to be fast off the line and have a high top speed for "pursuit and patrol" business. By that, of course, they just mean hooning.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one that hates this. I always hate when a car has only red lights. Especially when you can see that the red light for the turn signal is different than the bulb for the stoplight. That's especially frustrating because it would have taken no effort to make that amber. I give some cars a…