The Biebster's got a P71 (Formerly not Justin Bieber)

I should say "should not necessarily", not "don't."

What is it with you people who hate cops regardless of what they do? Legally the cop should be wearing a seatbelt, but I'm just saying, I bet he's thinking about other things.

Easy case for harassment, inattentive driving, anything else that really just means "being a dick"

Who DOES that?! Also, cops don't necessarily need to wear seatbelts because they may need to get our of their car quickly to save your sorry ass. If I was a cop, I'd arrest him.

The Tundra could be cool. I really like the current Tundra.

Yeah, I really don't like the all-red lights. The amber turn signals just look better.

As far as license plates are concerned, I don't see why it's worth it to cover them because if someone wanted to find out where you are they could just schedule a visit to see the car.

I know who'll be buying a new Nissan!


I dont think there's enough of a market to make it worth it for anyone to build. Also, we already have a ton of small hatchbacks being built new, but most pizza delivery drivers drive an old Fiesta anyways.


The music in Horizon is truly terrible. I'm just going to have it off all the time.

The Caliber looks pretty stupid. And also not futuristic at all.

When I had a commute I pretty much enjoyed it every day. Haha. Suckers. I live in town and I worked out of town, so the rush hour traffic was going the other way. It was only about 20 minutes on the highway and I carpooled every day with a close friend, so really the only downside was a few stupid drivers now and

Lolol. My grandparents live in Mosinee. I guess it's a change from the beer and brat spills, lol.

Or they could just PUT THE CARS IN THE GAME.

You mislabeled this list. The correct title is "My 10 top places to live"

I live in the ultimate professor's city: Madison, Wisconsin. Without a shadow of a doubt, I can assume 90% of the professors here and most in other places drive one of the following:

I maintain my opinion that most of these are still way too expensive for any young adult to buy on their own, unless they want to save up their minimum wage paychecks through college.

I wish there were good off-roading places here...just the streets in winter.