
Doesn't 'retina' in the way Apple means it just doubles up the pixels more or less so the aspect ratio is the same so everything is still the same "physical size" but since there's more pixels occupying the same space, it's sharper?

So will Google lose their place as well? Yahoo was #1, now it's Google.. so I guess next is Bing?

How is it tenuous at best?

Why'd you buy?

How did you arrive at the conclusion that that was something that could happen? Can you point out where the article says somebody could confuse the bottom of the laptop with the top of the laptop? I'm really wondering where you drew that conclusion from

So basically don't do anything...?

I'm really trying to wrap my head around your comment. What the hell are you talking about? If a laptop is upside down and a user opens it, how does the user know it's upside down? Is that what you're asking?

I think you give him too much credit for what people in today's society consider interesting. To be fair, cat videos and drunk photos need little else to make them entertaining.

Yea, I don't get it, I would've just enjoyed listening to it and came myself.

It's not that they can't make negative conjecture or simply "point it out", it's that they're basically writing it in the style of 100% confirmation and their purposes are to create controversial statements for pageviews, not because it truly merits it. OS X is telling you to move it to trash *because it's an

@Blackfish I don't get it either, push exists for the Gmail app as it is.

When you prioritize traffic ahead of everything else no matter what, it's no longer a place with integrity or quality content. It's basically exactly what LukeBenoito8 said - a tabloid. It might have been fine to keep [] that way but homogenizing your other properties into the same mission statement/goal

The Gmail app has push, doesn't it? The badge count on my icon has updated by itself when I get new mail.

I believe Apple going bankrupt was one reason why donation matching was cut and it's not factually known that no charity was ever donated to, nor can it be said that Steve's contribution and focus in technology in education wasn't hugely beneficial or a guiding light for the industry. Steve and his daughter reunited

It's very possible that the guy was just shooting his own mouth off anyway. There have been reports of the same type in the past - some guy who is supposedly in charge claims xyz but xyz never comes about.

The HTC Droid Incredible could have been produced without a dozen of the same or similar handsets out there. If it really needed to then flinging as much shit out there as possible to see what sticks is exactly the kind of "sadness" I was talking about.

You'd be surprised at how much better life is when simplified. Choice isn't inherently bad, it's when it's extreme or done to death (like this) that make it a kludge. Your comment does come across pretty elitist.

Nailed it. If I really wanted a TV, I might think about it. Otherwise, the basics with a digital tuner works for me.

Not really, it's just straightforward and it's obvious what the cards are for - to get a job.

BlackBerry and others have been investing in smartphones for years too and then the iPhone happened. Not saying that's what will happen here but making this sort of statement that others have been doing it for years so therefore no one else could make something better is kind of ridiculous.