Well I missed a lot of PS2 games and was hoping they'd be ported so I can play them for the first time. Also having them on the go is a plus because I'm extremely bored sitting on the long train to work and back everyday.
No ones buying that stupid 3g model.
The thing is already selling at a loss, that means they lose money everytime they sell one that they hope to make back through game sales. You won't see a price drop soon.
2 years.
THis So muCh This ....except that last sentence.
Then don't hack it.
Yes, Yes you are.
That might be coming in a later update to discourage people from hacking.
OR ...Tablets are slowly evolving into gaming handhelds ...O_O
Lol character models looks so early PS2.
Vaan becomes far less relevant just a little further into the game like the devs didn't wan't to deal with him. Give it another go.
Don't be a p*ssy! Get a Vita.
I'll start with Marvel vs Capcom and ninja gaiden. There are some more good games coming and
Who gives a shit Vita has real games and buttons.
I agree with this I wish Sony did. I still think it will be more popular than the PSP but if it was running android It would create a powerful ecosystem that no other company could compete with.
That doesn't look as effective on a portable.
There's an open SDK I hope developers take advantage of rather than opening it for piracy.