
This is the worst state to be in. I was feeling like this for ages and caved and got on anti anxiety/antidepressants + got a kitten (both help the same amount tbh). idk if your situation warrants that or if you should just tune out the news for a week and take a few days off to cuddle your puppy. winter also makes

aww yay SNS is early enough that I’m awake! I used to volunteer at a men’s prison and the level of education was so shocking to naive college-aged me..I was at it for 3 years and my whole time there was spent teaching the guys to read. Now I’m in the Netherlands and there is no demand for any programs like this, which

try going without the wax a couple days to see, it can’t hurt. and maybe air out the room too, to see if it makes any difference. I totally get not having a tray in the bedroom, even without the reasons you list, the dust they kick up from there is the worst. Can he get to the litter tray from your room or do you

damn, you’re fast!

It’s on my to-watch list :D

My mom and I binged the first season of The Crown in time to start the second season and boy do we love it. I will be so sad to see Claire Foy go, she makes the show. Also Matt Smith with a beard is just...mmmmmmm

did they test for a uti? Is he only peeing outside the litter tray in that room? Maybe the builders left something in there, or just the lingering smell of them is stressing him out? hope you figure it out :)

I binge watch a lot of TV (this latest breakup I watched all of Bojack Horseman and it was nice to watch something where someone is doing worse than me and is still surviving. Also some of it was surprisingly emotional and it was nice to cry at something unrelated to my ex) and cry to my mom the first week, then reach

wow, this is gorgeous! how long did it take you?

I liked C.K. back in the day, but he sort of always looked like this, no?

Santino Fontana was a dream and we did not deserve him. He added a more musical style element to the show that I miss. Nathan is fine but he can really only do pop style songs. I’ll take Greg tap dancing or playing piano over that guy any day.

I too credit Rebecca Bunch with somehow saving my sanity. And the other two shows are also forking great.

Without wanting to cause offense to anyone, I think being jewish and/or Israeli does tend to go hand in hand (for some, not all) with supporting Israel to a degree that to me indicates a bit of a blind spot. There are quite a few Israeli researchers in my work community and I’ve long since learned to avoid this topic,

This! There’s no way this has nothing to do with the CoS.

thank you for this! I watched half of one of her videos and got my ass back here to say I love her already

I love that his first thought was that they used dental dams. No way the Duggars are doing anything requiring dental dams.

I’ve gotten pretty good at identifying things from these videos too. I took out a tiny milia under my eye after watching a Pimple Popper vid (not saying this is the way to go but it was super easy once I knew what it was, thanks Dr. Lee!)

I get why you’re bothered and I also feel like it is a bit uncomfortable because often these people can’t say no for the reasons you list. However for a lot of these procedures which are cosmetic, the alternative is often to forego treatment and for someone who has a huge cyst on their cheek that they’ve been living

I didn’t know that, thanks :) I was obviously missing some information too. Not shaming my friend (maybe it came off that way), just thought it was a funny mistake to make :p

I loved this whole thread so there’s that