
That was Jolie for chrissakes.

Zero Sense or Sensibility

Dyed and Prejudice by Emily Austen

(Whispers) not all white men

I’m as dumb as the rapist who’s painted himself as the victim because I made a joke about his intelligence?

You might not be able to get your dream job now? It’s almost like actions have consequences!

I’ve lost two jobs solely based on the reporting of my case.

You sure showed us!

Spoken like a true Cobb County resident.

I’m surprised nobody is talking about the moving in-game tributes each team payed to the passing of Muhammad Ali. The Warriors floated like a butterfly while the Cavs seemed to have died 48 hours earlier.


This idea is so bad. See how that still works just fine?

If I can get one person to admit that Jackie Bradley Jr. is fun and cool, it will be good Kinja

I would venture to guess that if you were to take any 2 random games played during this season, with any two teams, you would get somewhere around 12-15 lottery picks out of the 20 starters in those games. There are 14 lottery picks a year.

Have pets. Don’t have pets. Each to their own. But don’t tell other people to have pets or not have pets. But also don’t tell people what not to tell people. Don’t make this post.

Finally, conclusive proof that Adequate Man is inadequate

Perhaps a great, or even good, man needs these products. But the Adequate Man does not.

Counterpoint: these are all unnecessary unless you’re trying to be a model or something. Just practice basic hygene and you’re fine.

This is a bunch of horseshit.

My face is going to age gracefully like a well-worn baseball glove. Like Robert Redford. I’m pretty sure he’d drink Bay Rum before putting any of this nonsense on his face.