
::ahem::  This Boomer woman is just as confused as you are.  My generation fought, FOUGHT, for women’s rights including the right to abortion, and yet, here we are today.  I told my Gen X daughter to never have kids because someone else wanted you to.  And she hasn’t.  I’m just as adamant today as I was back in my

How much it cost to get a new “control unit port” (LMFAO!) for your Tesla? $2k + labor?

I test drove a Y. Was it a good car? Yeah. Would it work for me? Sure. Did I hate evrything in the touchscreen and that made it a very frustrating and potentially dangerous driving situation, at least until you get used to it? Totally. Do i still think having to open the glove box with the screen or voice command is

Tl;dr; “some people have different opinions from me.”


pro-abortion plaintiffs

That’s like saying Miles shouldn’t be able to wear a dashiki because he’s not from Africa. As for the mixed race and not Wakandan argument, society sees mixed race Black folks as Black. Afro-Cubans? Black. Afro-Puerto Ricans? Black. My son will be seen as Black first and foremost, even though my wife is Mexican.

Start reading and thought, ‘What are the odds that this judge was appointed by Dimwit Donald?’ Oh look: he was.

I would like to take a moment to advertise my special wafer that nullifies the body of Christ if you’ve already taken a Catholic wafer in mass but have decided that you do not, in fact, wish to be a cannibal. It’s never too late to turn around a poorly-decided communion. 

I ask this question every time it’s in the news and have yet to receive a satisfactory answer. My current theories are:

“If we continue to coalesce around the four or five genres, then we won’t get the new players because those people have already said we’re not interested in your genres,” Layden said. “Don’t kid yourself that someone who’s said ‘no’ to Call of Duty for the last 15 years is going to start suddenly saying ‘yes’ to Call

It’s nearly impossible to hang off the edge of new cars with your tommygun blazing away. 

I miss how cars used to have great visibility and didn’t feel like you were sunk into a bathtub with a steering wheel. I get that a lot of it is bigger crash and rollover protection, but the Honda Fit is the only car I can think of in the last 15 years that met those requirements but still gave you 90s levels of light/

Hatchbacks and wagons where the rear glass can be opened.

Nearly dead trend: 8ft pick up truck boxes. 

In that photo he looks like Mickey Rourke’s nerdy ginger brother. 

What’s strange about this article is what it omits. The reason why Daily Double hunting is so effective. As Chu and Holzauer have expressly said— it isn’t betting and answering the daily doubles correctly that matters so much. It’s the fact that you’ve prevented your competitors from getting them. It’s basic game

So if the family provided permission and was part of the process, why is there a suggestion of controversy?

I know it’s becoming the norm, but this feels fairly disingenuous.

I know some writers they could hire! They worked on a highly-rated show called Daredevil and they already had another season planned out.