
She actually recorded a full set of phonetic sounds expressly for the purpose that her voice could continue to be used as the voice of the computer in future Star Trek series/movies.

Nobody would have cared until he put it on anyway.

Hence the “tend to” in my statement. However, you are 100% correct. Though the physical exertion of swinging a hammer in micro-gravity, complicated by the bulkiness of a space suit, basically necessitated the development of a handheld impact hammer.

Handheld impact hammers are what they’re referring to since the laws of physics tend to prevent one from effectively swinging a hammer in micro-gravity.

Design, installation, and maintenance of systems designed to capture/reroute flood waters so it can be treated, cleaned, and stored until drought conditions demand its use. The storage facility would basically be a less complicated version of huge oil storage facilities.

Sean Astin was hyper aware and sensitive to his, and his costar’s, safety while filming. Rumor has it that when he was filming the scene where Samwise runs out into the water after Frodo he asked to do the scene with regular shoes on because he didn’t trust that the crew had found everything when they cleaned the

Cursed because of how well known it us AND because it keeps getting brought up whenever a discussion of LOTR film trivia occurs...and it’s always brought up like it’s some new and amazing tidbit that nobody has ever heard before.

Did you know that Viggo Mortensen broke his toe in the scene where he kicked the orc helm in The Two Towers? When he’s yelling it’s because of the pain.

100% agree on all counts.

Considering that Weird Al wrote the thing, that’s a pretty safe bet.

One of Alito’s citations in the draft comes from Matthew Hale who is “credited” with writing what has been used as the basis for the legal defense that there is no such thing as marital rape. Dude also supported executing people as young as 14.

Based on the photo they released of him sitting in the captain’s chair, plus the rank insignia on his sleeves matching Pike’s, my bet is he’s already attained the rank of Captain.

Especially if the movie ends with the Zombie Strange getting locked back into his OG universe instead of being beaten outright.

I hadn’t even considered that Campbell may actually be playing the Ash that was dropped into the Marvel Zombie universe. If Raimi actually managed to get Marvel on board with that, holy shit we’re in for a hell of a ride.’re one of those people who still thinks the moon is really what they’re telling us it is.

I have several fond memories of Quark’s Bar, especially the two times I was kicked out.

Am I the only person who noticed the little red blinking light on Bane’s chest that’s 100% visible in the overhead shot, looking down on him laying on the ground, that was clearly meant to mimic a heart beat?

Technically Tarkin is responsible for that, Vader just stood by and watched.

Holy shit...that’s so much better with the Force Ghosts standing behind her and using that much more triumphant music que *chef’s kiss*. All it needed was her saying, “And I... *glances behind her* WE are all the Jedi.”

I absolutely love idea of reframing the old Light vs Dark take of the Jedi vs Sith to “We vs Me.” Showing that Rey, even though Rey is the all alone in terms of physically being the “Last Jedi,” she’s never alone in terms of all the Jedi that came before her support and carry her through the Force. The whole story