
Approximately 12 of those would have been sold in the United States.

Came here to say this. I flew round trip from Denver to Dallas for less than $100 last year (on spirit). It cost nearly as much as my flight just to park my car at the airport than it did to catch a seat on a goddamn jet airplane.

“And by the end of the year, we’re all going to want to eat Bullets.”

Jesus, I should not have clicked on it. Now I want one. Taking the kids to school every day would be like I was in Ronin.

I still think Rogue One is the best of the new Star Wars films

99% of chrome rims are obnoxiously garish.

That got dark.

Someone should throw gasoline on the fire by posting that meme with Palpatine telling Anakin the “Legend of the Butthurt fanboys”.

Am engineer, can confirm, math checks out.

NBCs F1 coverage was amazing compared to what ESPN just gave us.

Yes. But what coverage they do show is from Sky sports.

With all these Fire TV and stick sales, seems like we can expect a new one this year

With all these Fire TV and stick sales, seems like we can expect a new one this year

New Orleans also smells like someone left the cover off of every manhole that has ever been constructed in human history. So there’s that.

For kids..
Hot = Scolding
Warm = Still Too Hot
Cold = I’m Full

Oh geez... people will find anything to complain about. This is NOT a defect, it is a feature. The white rings allow you to exactly place the HomePod back in it’s original position so you don’t have to go through the setup process again in case you move it. It’s like none of you have owned Apple products.

Hmm.. I wonder if these will go international.

They had no product designed for manufacturing when they did the Kickstart, that’s what this is, it’s a cheap Chinese knockoff they paid dimes in the dollar for and ripped people off

Yes, a car is not an investment it is a sunk cost just like rent or your electricity bill. You have people carrying a balance on their credit cards at double digit rates which is far worse than a 4% loan.

You don’t seem to understand ‘investing’ or ‘opportunity cost’

It sad that everytime someone in a position like this dies, people assume a conspiracy. Look at the suicide rates for veterans. Don’t look for ghosts in the machine. Conspiracy thinking is endemic and doing great harm.