I didn’t think you were judging him for his teeny tiny hands. It just jumps out at you.
I didn’t think you were judging him for his teeny tiny hands. It just jumps out at you.
Have you had any kind of talk about being exclusive or that you’re officially boyfriend and girlfriend? Cuz it sounds to me like he’s just “hanging out” with you and really doesn’t give a shit. I say DTMFA, baby.
I don’t mean to sound insensitive, but why aren’t you cutting off contact immediately? Or why isn’t he? If he’s already in this committed monogamous relationship I’m not sure the start of a marriage is the right time to end things. I think continuing to talk with him and setting a future end date is only holding you…
Do you own this house? Do you want it to last and look beautiful forever (or at least until you decide to change it again)? Tile. Tile. Tile. Any natural stone must be sealed, sealed, & sealed (before installation & before grouting). Avoid using much (or any) glass mosaics. They’re already starting to look dated. Also…
Umm. Maybe just keep repeating this in your head over and over and over? Don’t reach out to him, don’t be that person.
A Blaffair to Rememblack
“But but but.... I really am special. And I do hate drama. And I do know at least some sportsball terms. Did I mention I grew up as a tomboy? And that I’m perfectly comfortable being in gym shorts and a ratty T-shirt all the time? I mean, except when I choose to glam up. Then I do it and do it well. But I don’t feel…
Stephen Sondheim is a genius. Any conversation about the greatest works of musical theater would have to include one…
What a way to find out though!
Why is Katherine Heigl being treated like the Anti-Christ? The stuff she said about Knocked Up was right. You’ve got guys like Sean Penn and Shia LaBeouf, who are well known assholes, yet are still get major roles. Until he blew up his life, Charlie Sheen was still the highest paid actor on t.v.
And Knocked Up WAS kind of sexist! I’m a total Heigl apologist. Life As We Know It is my favorite rom com and she’s a good actress. Spacey got to have a career for years. How “difficult” could she possibly be?
I’ve been rewatching the first few seasons of Grey’s, and her character was so good for the first season, and then the writers just ruined it. Her storylines turned into bullshit almost overnight, it’s so strange.
It really irritates me how the “difficult” reputation follows women around. You know what? Her storyline DID suck on Grey’s.
What Great Kabbalah Monster did SJP give sacrifice to - she has been alllll over the gossip rags these past few months after several years of obscurity?
Wanna hear my judgmental inner thoughts? Of course you do. Yesterday, I was all “Oh boy, Amy. Slow down. No need to rush things.” Then today I’m all, “You see, it’s a bad sign it took Justin and Jen so long to get hitched.” Although, I googled it and they started dating in 2011 and married in 2015 so actually it…
Not that we have to hold hands and sing kumbaya all the time, but honestly, what is the point of articles like this? What inspired you? I hate Chelsea Handler, so why don’t I write an article about how much her new business venture is gonna suck.
You’re right, if we have issues we should talk to you directly. I’m just so rarely lifted out if the greys.