
black people preferring the company of other black people is not racist.

Whiteness is a privilege that exists whether you are poor or not.

You might try reading the article.

Let’s be honest here, white men who are ambitious and want to be successful but aren’t successful in America are flat out losers. You have no one to blame but you’re own inadequacies.

This person said nothing about not liking a certain ethnicity. (White isn’t an ethnicity, by the way.) He/she did, however, make a sarcastic comment about “downtrodden white men,” the joke being that the description encompasses the people who run everything, make the rules, and have set things up to benefit those like

Why now that you mention it, I could give a flying fuck about persecuted American Christians.

Excuse me while I go give a shit about downtrodden white men.

this country was built for white men on the backs of anyone who was neither straight, white, christian nor male ... and for hundreds of years white men benefitted from that fact. now that those who don’t fit that mold are getting just a little sliver of the pie these SWCM’s are all up in arms. i just don’t get why

Whenever I hear the term “PC” thrown around I like to replace it in my head with “basic fucking human respect” because by and large, that’s what people are talking about. People are “alienated” because other groups of people want basic fucking human respect? Cry me a river.

I don’t even necessarily think she’s super feminist; I don’t actually know, anymore than all the critics do. So I can only judge the work for itself and see how I feel about it. I think the album is fine and I’ve listened to it more than once, but I’m not a die-hard fan so I’m not going to automatically love

My point was why is it that this person has decided that this particular, accomplished, iconic performer has had her 15 minutes but not other performers? This is a comment tossed off about female performers and rarely said about men, I’ve noticed. I didn’t compare Beyonce to Bowie. They are very different types.

Yawn. Mediocre white boy wishes black woman he neither knows nor cares for would go away so he’d be able to not insert himself into conversations about her. Hater-stan I guess.

bell hooks seems to have some kind of vendetta against Beyonce; it’s really weird, actually. She also seems to look down upon femininity, feminine women, and any kind of sexual expression. (She famously called Beyonce a terrorist for being sexual and said Black women should consider celibacy to counteract the

The facts JES includes here are themselves a solid argument that critics should know something about what they’re critiquing. I’ve read and heard a *lot* about Beyonce this year and didn’t know until now that she owns a chunk of Tidal. Maybe thinkpieces shouldn’t get a pass on basic newsgathering.

Same, you wrote an excellent piece Julianne. Thank you.

This is excellent Julianne. I have so many things I could say but I’m still recovering from you saying so much of it so perfectly.