
We’ve driven from New Jersey to Oregon and back with two under 10 kids. Plus many other “shorter” road trips across multiple states. All in all we’ve driven to 45 states. Screens in cars are a terrible thing that for most kids will lead to carsickness and extra breaks. Kids are ancy and bored for half the first day,

We’ve driven from New Jersey to Oregon and back with two under 10 kids. Plus many other “shorter” road trips across

I thought the same thing. I misread and thought it was LTTP at first just looking at the board and then was like, “But where’s the forest in the top left?!? ... Oooohhhh....”

Pretty sure we already had this show: Revolution

It was pretty crap.

Alright, here’s the thing... if you squint really hard I can see what they were going for. The grid lines disappear and the colors fill all the appropriate clothing and skin tones pretty well rather than a grid. It’s a little washed out, but works ok. Still pretty dumb but I can imagine someone with bad vision and a

That’s true. And obviously SpongeBob isn’t as bad. He obviously didn’t write the jokes and many other aspects. But his style is probably what’s most iconic about Ren & Stimpy and is also the most off-putting part for me. I remember there being some funny stuff, but I didn’t enjoy watching it. I always felt icky. Just

I feel like I’m the only one who can’t stand this style of animation. I knew nothing about Kricfalusi before you posted this, but I’ve always been troubled by Ren & Stimpy and SpongeBob style animation. As a kid, I remember other kids loving Ren & Stimpy, I just thought it was gross. Especially with it’s weird

Can't watch the video right now, but does it explain in any way how a porcelain lamp figure changes her clothes? This has bugging me since the first trailer with her. 

Did this a month ago when they cancelled my pre-paid yearly family plan with no reason except by saying I’d violated the terms of service but refused to tell me how I violated them. I always followed the rules. I think I just got too expensive for them. For $210 pre-paid yearly plan I was getting 4 tickets to any 2D

My theory:

I played AC3 on the Wii U to see how it would hold up, and I gotta say... Having a dedicated map and horse button on the game pad and not on the screen was the greatest thing to happen to Assassin's Creed. I loved this game more than the others almost for that one reason. But alas, it was a one time experiment. 

It seems odd to me that everyone in Uglyville is so darned adorable. Feels like it undercuts the message a little bit... kind of like the “ugly” girl turned beauty in Princess Diaries or She’s All That. If these dolls were animated by Tim Burton or someone then we’d have something going here that would make sense plot

Yeah, but we’ve already seen her crazy before murdering her brother with a mic stand. Her arc feels nearly identical to S1 l but this time it’s the main spotlight instead of a side story. Felt like a rehash and was boring. 

Yeah, this is exactly it. Even if I buy it today, I'm not going to play it for a year or so until the dlc is all out. And at that point, the complete edition is way cheaper, so why buy it now? I kinda want to spend the extra money to support these games, because they are some of my absolute favorites... but cheaper is

NSFW Much? As amusing as this is, can we not have a giant veiny hulk penis on the main page of the website as the leading image of the article? I’d prefer if or didn’t get blocked.

Interestingly, I’ve found my worst Uber rides in the bay area have all been former taxi drivers who expect me to give them the exact address and know the general whereabouts and major crossroads of my destination and don’t use the app or even have a phone holder.

Frame of reference - KH1 - 2002
Aladdin - 1992
Nightmare before Christmas - 1993
Little Mermaid - 1989
10-20 years

KH3 - 2018(2019)
Monster’s Inc - 2001
Big Hero 6 - 2014

So 5-20 years. Seems about right. Digging in a little bit newer on this one than the original. You are just getting old, lol.