
Dexter: Watch s1-s4 and end it, though portions of s3 are probably skippable too. There are good moments after season 4 occasionally, but the overarching plot it pretty much done at that point and dragged on for years to the show’s detriment.

I knew GameStop was desperate to get people to come back for more, but this is ridiculous.

No mention of Nathan Fillion with all those Firefly posters in the Deadpool 2 teaser? I think his wit and comedic timing would fit in perfectly with the Deadpool franchise.

Okay, I gotta know.... What was the deal with all the super obvious “Hypno” energy drink placements including a blatant QR code. Also “mug”? Is Hypno a real energy drink?

I demand an Audible edition. Also pre-ordered the book on Amazon... but give me Audible or I’ll probably never finish it.

I’d say it’s more like someone coming up and saying “Dude, the shake flavor this month is Mint Maple!” while you wait in line. You as a Shake Shack fan can be outraged even though you are still going to order it or hyped and then complain it isn’t as good as you’d imagined to everyone afterward.

I think a Tlaloc would be the correct gun in this case.

Not gonna lie, I would pay good money for those Voidfang Vestments

From our son’s New Jersey elementary school:

“Dear Parents,

My review of Inside can be summed up in the following picture of my face upon completion of the game:

Robert Redford looks like Groot in that picture.

This exact thing happened to me a few years ago with Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. I was pissed because I didn’t realize it was fake. Had the instructions and everything. it worked for a while then the firmware update happened and bam, no more Zelda. Only then did I notice the imperfections in the print job on the case

My son threw up at Gamestop today. Felt bad, so I helped them clean it up. It's not thier job to do handle stuff like that.

Since your comment was directed at someone who hasn’t seen them.... um... Spoilers, I guess....
I’m subjecting my son and wife to the Machete order. Son was blown away by Vader being Luke’s father (wife knew that already). Goal 1 complete. When Anakin lost his hand in Ep. 2, they said “That’s just like Luke!” Goal 2

I think I’m the only person who actually liked Lady in the Water. Had been out of the country for a few years, I rented it on DVD knowing absolutely nothing going in. Found it very whimsical and fun with dark over tones.

Big ol’ man tears when it said Iwata prays during Giygas.

Completing the Super Monkey Ball Master Stages. Like. A. Boss.

Who needs a smart watch when you've got the real deal?

I did this with my friends but only for one of the 4 players. Good times. We beat Crystal Chronicals and 4 swords that way, I and crystal Chronicals was totally epic.