
Thank God the world is safer with you in it Zack.

Oh go back home to your moms basement you low life piece of shit. Zack Hample is a fucking twatbag of the highest order.

This tool is such a raging poof

Bravo for East Hampton!

Does this same formula apply to Audi’s also? I have a 2011 Q-7 TDI w/ 75K on it

Why do they consider the warmer the area the better the climate?
I understand most retirees want warmer weather, but picking areas that get over 100 degrees and have high humidity is not really a “good” climate

Double star, tops the first post

Someone needs to cuntpunt this stupid bitch

Ben, put the Botox down and slowly walk away!!


Don’t see Football as #1 at all, you flop in a game your going to get spiked

100% absolutely correct. Carry one in my briefcase and car because i am basically a slob

100% absolutely correct. Carry one in my briefcase and car because i am basically a slob

No instead they secretly promoted the argument that Sandy hook was a false flag move just to get guns banned and no one was hurt. It was all actors

He is at the Dick Cheney level of hatred for me, which means top of the list.

They need to kick that guy without the license right in the damn Bass

So stupid, Croatia had all the momentum and looked like in 5mins the eventual winner. This happened and you could tell they were out of their rhythm. Their own fans cost them this win

Actually you are 100% correct , I messed up and directed at you what was meant for Arlo. my apologies

Its that time of the month for you isn’t it?

You didn’t? So who wrote this a few posts up?