
“all that glitters is Gould.” -Smash Mouth

Here’s the Toyota Supra Face before you’re supposed to see it.

Look at all his majesty. Those peasants in their thatched roof cottages don’t stand a chance.

The pickup truck market has completely lost it’s mind. Driving my 1999 F-150, I feel like I’m in an MG.

How about a little Iron Man

Seriously. Why is everyone horrible now? Who the fuck thinks this is funny, or a joke, or in any way a good idea? 

These people triage. They wouldn’t be pushing a car out of a garage if they could be saving someone’s life instead.

That looks more like it got him in the knee than the wee knee

Can we rename it the “dead to me” pedal? Thanks.

That is somehow ten times funnier than I could have imagined. The way he just crumples to the ground. It even looks like the facial expression changes. I want a gif of this, but the sound adds so much to it as well. The dull thud, the guy in the crowd yelling “ooohhhh,” the PA guy drolling on about pancakes being 10

two quarterbacks at the same time

Pictured: Direct TV versus Basic Cable Sam Darnold.

Let’s see.....antique silver mirrors? Check. Silver bullets? Check. Stakes? Double-check.


I believe it’s Vampires actually 

Gregg Williams is a bounty of bad takes.

Screen looking got so bad that a member of our group constructed a cardboard “blinder” to attach to his TV so each player could only view his own quadrant of the screen. Totally changed the game.

I can’t wait tilde next time they meet