Pool has always been there. (Just not used too much). Remember Mallory was in the pool on Labor Day weekend when Robert and Sol were going to make their announcement back in Season 1.
Pool has always been there. (Just not used too much). Remember Mallory was in the pool on Labor Day weekend when Robert and Sol were going to make their announcement back in Season 1.
Agreed…it's so hard for me NOT to watch. I'm still holding off on the last few episodes and try to only indulge myself over the weekends. 2 seasons a year (or one LONG season) would be awesome!
You are so right! Huge hunks have gone missing all in the name of adding more commercials. Some stations are running 30 minute sitcoms in 40 minute slots. (I'm thinking Get TV)
Agree, agree, AGREE! I was going to write almost exactly what you said. (Great minds!)
Must EVERYTHING be a remake or a re-imagining these days?
You mean he wasn't?
Christine loved herself some Manilow…Judge Stone…not so much. (And then, if I recall correctly, Torme declared that he loved Manilow)
Are you sure about that?
You go guys…you did it better than I did, but I tried: http://bfthsboringblog.blog…
Naw…he looks like T.B. Player. (when he was younger)
If you were in the NY area, there was always the 4:30 movie. Potpourri of movies…good, bad and downright horrible. They might show Dr. Zhivago one week (because you'd have to spread it out over multiple afternoons) and Trog the next.
Me three!
That's what we call in my family "An HBO Special"…one of those not so great films that played over and over again on the channel in the "early" years (when there weren't two zillion HBOs and other "premium" cable channels.
Well now I know what I will be doing this morning…toning my calves.
Dinner Theater is ALWAY chic. Just let me get my hat and white gloves and we can go.
But she knows Joan. She hangs up the one phone that was off the hook and the phone starts ringing. Multiple phones leaves less to chance. Mamacita knows best.
LOVED that. Such a perfect moment!
So hard to do though right???
You really think so? I thought she was a disappointing character. I'd want more for Dolly.
We all ready covered that bit last season. His birth mother was a big let down (for him)