Sweet Christ, please let there be “Better Call Saul: Criminal Attorney”, a Telltale Games Series.
I like the idea of getting whoever you get, cause, you know, that's how life worked out. I get wanting to make your own character, though. I mean, in an open world sandbox, I like playing as some form of myself as an attempt to feel like I'm in that world. Recently, I challenged myself to break the mold a bit and stop…
I'm fairly certain that, with time, an independent developer will make a more faithful reboot of SimCity than EA-Maxis would ever make. Hell, some of the original studio employees may even be the ones to do it.
Disclaimer: I'm a man.
I really value games like this, even if it is light on interactivity. I had a conversation with my fiance recently about games like this, where the player is put through an uncomfortable experience in an attempt to create empathy and understanding. Video games have a great opportunity to do that,…
Oh man, I lived this almost word for word with my friends youngest brother. We thought we were hooking up a hyper kid with an active imagination and a love for Legos with a dream come true, and it was for him.
I can hear it now...
Tricked my younger brother into thinking that, if you kill an Ordinator in Morrowind, wear their armor, then talk to a different Ordinator, they'll think you're one of them and allow you to do faction quests. Probably one of the worst things I ever did.
An article was featured recently on Gawker or Jezebel, can't remember which, that was an interview with a young woman who was in a committed relationship brought about by GSA with her father. Both this and that story are scarring to me, but the latter has the horrifying quality of being on-going, that the girl is…
There are no innocent victims, we have the video games we deserve.
If it's bullshit, and it is, then it's up to consumers to say "Maybe another time" to an otherwise great game, even if the hype is too real. I love Bethesda games, but I will never buy another one of their games shortly after release. Only after the…
It saddens me that he doesn't get to see the awesome force of love that strangers around the internet have to offer. A reminder to show those that make you laugh that they mean a lot to you, even if you've never met.
I don't see how these issues are the fault of Valve, and not click-happy, frivolous gamers with late-onset buyer's remorse. While Early Access can sometimes be a little more than a flashy game development forum of "[WIP] My First Open World MMORPG" entries, there have been great games that have succeeded and…
The candygram story hit close to home for me, only my 8th grade self spent $20 on $1 candygrams and sent them en masse to a girl. The regret of each one of those candy grams blew up in my face when the candy grams got sent out and delivered while I had class with her.
One of the most horrifying moments in my childhood.
You don't sound fun at all, spoilsport.
Just as flying spaceships in a video game isn't fulfilling necessarily in any long-lasting, legacy sort of way, neither is your decision to "spend my money on real world race cars for real life fun instead".
I also wanted to write that out so you could maybe hear how obnoxiously…
Glad to see that the kids that ruined the fun for everyone by being selfish idiots grow up to be adults that ruin the fun for everyone by being selfish idiots.
I think the Halo story has gone on far too long, but Halo 2 was a pretty enjoyable ride, and I was really bummed when Neill Blomkamp ended up not doing a Halo movie. These cutscenes are downright incredible and feel like a live-action movie. I REALLY hope that this can become what video game film adaptations attempt…