Trè Mendez

I don't care what they say, they weren't a victim of a fucking information war.

You're not allowed to back your own project, and they did that to pass their goal. Simple as that. They misrepresented themselves in more than enough ways to warrant suspension. The fact that they're using a tragic situation in their own

Though I am skeptical about most of West Games' presentation, this is something that, upon seeking clarification, was explained.

A friend of the team does stock photography and had Kim and one of the other developers do some shoots. I don't have a link to source this to, but you'll just have to take me at my word that

I read this article in his voice, and it was great.

Suit aside, his face is looking beast.

I wish someone made a texture of him that looked more like that and less like, well, this:

Never played the second Dungeon Keeper, or this apparent cynicism factory of a game, but I grew up with and loved the first Dungeon Keeper. Didn't realize how innovative and different it was then, which makes the mobile iteration such a disappointment to me.

EA is a weird animal to me. While their business models
