
He tweeted out that his building was okay within 30 minutes. How long did it take for him to acknowledge and then gloat about California’s wildfires, again? Over a week?

Or humans

The Flat Earthers have nothing to fear except the sphere itself...

Good article, but I have to nitpick about what’s depicted in the lead photo. Those big cylindrical things both on and off the circuit board are capacitors, not batteries.

Now playing

I’ll post this again, but now for the last time. RIP Carl Poppa.

I don’t think Millar means it’s about secret identities as in the plot device of keeping secret. He means we’re more engaged with them as people we get to know than the powers and identities they do heroism in. The MCU got its momentum from absolutely nailing Steve Rogers and Tony Stark and pulling off a miracle with

Release more malware to fight the existing malware!

Owning the libs by giving your money to a group you’ve never been interested in joining? 

The fact that we’re applauding teenagers for asking hard questions goes to show that the adult journalists have not been asking hard questions for years.

Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

Your title is confusing, “way too good for it’s price” reads that it’s better than what the price would suggest.

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In the world of getting the right guest booking (and who’da thunk it), Wendy Williams outsmarted everyone today. She had the journalist, Jordi McGraw, who did the 2011 interview with Stormy Daniels, also interviewed two other sources and polygraphed all three (they all passed).

Thanks to both jez and deadspin, esp, for staying on top of this coverage.

Harissa is going to be the Sriracha of 2018.

Are all Trump stooges that gullible or just you?

You. Are. The. Worst.

the meme is spreading, LOL

oh fuck off

Now playing

Good Work, Alabama. You barely did the right thing!

Nah. Trump supporter is the worst name you could call a person.