
So you actually had a specific job, and didn’t do that job for a while? That is different. This guy has never worked as a geologist, not for a week, not for a day. If you got a degree in accounting 30 years ago, but never worked as an accountant, you can’t call yourself an accountant.

As a geologist, I can tell you that from the perspective of a geologist, women find me very handsome and attractive.

A walking, talking, human boil.

How the hell you gonna come for someone else’s looks and you look like this???

Not to their target audience.

This is what Bravery looks like.

Saw him interviewed on CBS Sunday Morning this week and thought the same thing- he looks an old suitcase that fell off the luggage cart and was run over by a 747. On a 105 degree day. And the interview was the same bullshit, entitled, pseudo-intellectual word salad he’s been spewing out in his other interviews.

In other words she continues to be a parent to her children and love them no matter how old they are - as most parents do - and he doesn’t give a fuck about them now they’re old enough to see he is a douche and no longer worship the ground he walks on.

lol you don’t really need to be a druggie to eat a little molly at a party. Or, I mean, idk, what does druggie mean?

The general phenomenon, of which this is a specific illustration, is probably that anyone who has received prestige as an Ethics professor knows a million fancy ways to rationalize to themselves whatever they want to do anyway, under this or that alternative argument (and also a million fancy ways to condemn the

Added to this, here’s another quotation by the apparently esteemed Oriana Fallaci.

Jerry, don’t use Trump’s words, even in a mocking way. It gives him power, kinda like calling Voldemort by his name.

Feature, not a bug.

I see Ru’s initial point in a way. At what point are you not doing drag anymore because you are a woman? But I also understand everyone else.

I bet she has a collection of throw pillow with “funny” wine sayings, too...

That depends. Is the teacher black or white?


Do you think their parts are on opposite sides because they look at each other instead of mirrors when they do their hair?

I’m a Physics teacher.

Phototherapy and topical steroids/corticosteroids have been used since, at least, the 70s. I know my cousin’s dermatologist nixxed that treatment because he feared increasing cancer risks later in life and it was rarely effective. Do they use safer light sources now?