It looked like a nutsack to me.
It looked like a nutsack to me.
Full disclosure: I love RuPaul. And I feel he's done more for the LGBT cause than most people, specially Carmen Carrera. And I think, that he's a very mature and "evolved" (in the words of Michelle Visage) individual, who feels that he's appropriating these words for the entire community, bringing their stories out…
Like the number of times my suegra has asked me "y te sale leche?"with a tone that means "you think you are cute, but you're not".
I'm honduran and the same is true here. I breast fed my two daughters exclusively, and hat to put up ith so much sh.t from EVERYONE, even my husband, because they thought I was doing it " por capricho" because OF COURSE no woman likes to breastfeed and I was spoiling my daughters! My mother in law even had formula…
unbelievable, this woman is amazing!
Uhm, caviar manicures are not meant to be used for more than a day. And that beach manicure sucks ass.
YAAAAASSSSSSSS I bless, I bless! Go forth and thing maketh phraseth :)
Is Cry Out Loud a thing yet? Because I COLed at this, totally.
She seems to be a thin apple shape (like me).
I always felt she sounded super stoned on interviews.
I don't know WHAT to believe anymore
TOO musky for Courtney Love? That must be very musky.
Wow I feel like an asshole for saying this BUT I have two girls, I am so happy and thankful I have them and I would never tell anyone NOT to. I am reasonably intelligent, I have a career (although currently not working so I can be at home with them), my friends are all parents and I think they are happy. Although,…
LOLLLLL no. Ypu know what I was? I was a Gretchen Wieners. Lame, desperate wannabe, maybe, and then when I got tired of being second fiddle, I'd spill your secrets or write you a letter saying you got fat. Which was really bad, DID NOT help me make any new friends, was totally pathological and believe me, I…
Only through much introspection did I even realize that it was a pattern. At the time I felt victimized by everyone, I felt used by these "friends". I felt I was being assertive when I'd later "defend" myself. I was a very insecure teenager, but I have worked hard as a 30 year old to be mentally healthy and stop…
Mmmmm thankyou, internet psychiatrist? No, that was when I was a lonely teenager from a broken home, trying really hard to fit in. If only meds could cure having evil stepparents.
vs. My way of idolizing/becoming a slave to the girl in question, only to resent her years later and get my revenge in some way. Oh, young me.
You don't think an anthropologist or sociologist could infer data from the fact that, even though gay marriage is currently a big issue, (political,religious, social, legal etc.) a game meant to simulate life does not have a gay marriage option?
I wish I had three nannies and a personal assistant :(