It’s vintage feminism ‘false consciousness’ - if you disagree with me, it’s because you are to clueless to see how oppressed you are/how enlightened I am, of course.
It’s vintage feminism ‘false consciousness’ - if you disagree with me, it’s because you are to clueless to see how oppressed you are/how enlightened I am, of course.
Oh, for the love of sweet baby Jesus, this is just like when Steinem and Geraldine Ferraro were carping that the only reason people were voting for Obama over Hillary was that he was a black man, and therefore, somehow, racism < sexism. Of COURSE she thinks that young women could only possibly be for Bernie because…
I can’t fully express how awesome it is that supporters of both candidates just can’t stop proclaiming that women are only supporting the opposing candidate because their vaginas make them stupid and illogical.
I feel you. I was for Obama in 08 and felt like HRC supporters didn’t appreciate as a woman I wasn’t all rah rah for her. Now this time around, I like Bernie, but am leaning more for Hillary (her time as Sec. of State made me see her in a new light) but I HATE this sexism from both candidates followers. I really,…
I love being told that the reason I’m supporting a candidate is because I’m just a youth chasing after what’s cool. Solid way to engage people who disagree with you.
Remember the Grammy’s years ago when the opera singer had to cancel last minute and they asked Aretha to sing her aria? That woman looked at the music and sang the thing technically better than the opera singer with very little, if any rehearsal.
Clinton supporters hate Jews.
Stop. Stop with the nonsense. Do you really have that much trouble understanding that a lot of people don’t like Clinton because of her policies?
To back before Planned Parenthood was making billions of dollars selling fetuses to government run soup kitchens obviously.
“This is a woman who has escaped prosecution more times than El Chapo!”
Also, it’s amazing how often people of color actually do have the same issues as white people.
i feel it is relevant to bring up that Mean Girls was based on a non-fiction/self-help book
The worst part is, even with it being proven fake, even with the people who created it being sued, and even with people turning themselves in. They still won the war. That video has been used- and will continue to be used to attack women's rights.
I think this person might be a Bundy. Or related to the crazies in Oregon. “although you don’t personally know which government resources I use.” lolllllllllll wtf. get the fuck outta here
Why aren’t the police investigating baseball players for all the bases they steal?
I can’t believe she’d be the first one. How ass-backwards are we?
If one looks at the movies and roles which tend to be Oscar contenders, they will find the more complex stories that are often specific to time and setting, and involving characters of a specific gender, ethnicity, culture, class, etc.
move the goal posts much? first equality in military - now we want to abolish draft
As a woman, it is hard to argue for equality without agreeing that women should have to register. So bring it on. Give us the same rights and requirements as men.