
Shift in tone?  Good way to put it.  We will see how the inclusivity sells.  Played the first two a bit, not my cup of tea, but it would have been better to make this a new IP, because try as you might, some people will buy it on name alone and not be happy.  I understand some here don’t care about that.  Its the

Original Dark Souls character creator is/was gold.

Being forced to buy a game to get a system is the world in which we live I guess.  Glad I got my PS5 direct from SONY without having to buy a game I don’t want (regardless of what the added cost is).  If its a system with a different color scheme and you love that game I can understand from a collectability

I’ve got an idea it has to do with the characters.

Anyone here, actually play Destiny 2, like more than an hour two every few weeks? Just curious. The reason SONY doesn’t want companies to enter the political space, is because a post such as this, encourages the esteemed Mr Crump to say, see they have admitted they are responsible. No first person shooters, that are

I’ve been a SONY customer since the PS1.  So most big titles, especially SONY games, I already own them all.  The list is sorely lacking in the retro department.  All kinds of PS1, PS2, and PS3 games I’d like to see.  Not a surprise.  We’ll see how the streaming end of it works, and how the lag on Demon Souls will

So is anyone here, that is outraged, going to stop using their PS4/PS5 because of Ryan’s lack of a stance? Didn’t think so. Gnashing of teeth, and rending of garments, but none of you, and I read waaaaay down these posts and didn’t see any of you voting to effect real change and leave the SONY ecosystem to make your

Stop using eon’s long definitions of words. Its soooo educated.

SONY in California, runs the show.

SONY in California?  No way its even 20% that are anti-choice.

I’m guessing this isn’t the Musk fanclub BBS?

You have got to be kidding me. How about the problem, yet again, of historical inaccuracy. Not letting us play the bad guys (with the snappy uniforms).  Then all the ahistorical gun skins that ruin the game.  For me the worst, was the unattractive operators you have to choose from.  But hey that’s just me.  I bought

Gotta say, that after Elden Ring, have been going back and getting deeper into Dark Souls (on 360) and Demon Souls (on PS3) and just loving all of it.  So much to do, and find.  I have a lifetime of games that they’ve already released to play and beat.  Each version, DS, DS Prepare to Die, DS Remastered, etc.  Each

Oh okay, they bought Asmodee.  Square is just cutting expensive to make, mediocre franchises.  Smart move.  On to NFTs!

Ah, the good old days of soldiers coming back through San Fran, from NAM.

236 hours in Overwatch? I’ve played close to 300 in Elden Ring and its not been out two months yet.

No, still using Mimic Tear, with RoB and Naga, so that might have something to do with it.  Still dies much faster in late game, but nothing else is as good, sadly.

I got that summon from Sellen in game, a puppet summon.  Am I missing something?

Oh so that’s what’s been happening.  I got one shot (seemed like it hit a lot for that one hit) yesterday.  I’ll steer clear if at all possible.

Best game I’ve ever played, been playing since ‘79 (games not this one).  Beat the game with a melee character, and on games plus going back and seeing a lot of content I missed, or screwed up by killing a boss before finishing certain quests.  Think about it, play it, and just haven’t been this engaged in a game