
<TheMoreYouKnow gif>

I remember seeing her bald at Comic Con last year and thinking it was pretty gutsy of her to shave instead of doing a bald cap. I hope she gets more screen time in the sequel.

I would totally start yelling at him and telling him how tiny his dick is, before I'd pull out my phone.

Ugh! :(

That's probably a wig. She shaved her head to film Guardians of the Galaxy, and it was still quite short as of a few weeks ago during that promo.

I'll be watching with you, same reasons.

It looks like he spent about five hours on her ass and 15 minutes on her face.

The "dozen witnesses confirmed the story" came from a Post Dispatch crime reporter who has been on FMLA since March. She tweeted a day or so ago that police sources told her the police have over a dozen witnesses whose stories match Wilson's. Shortly after, she tweeted that she was retracting her earlier tweets

Going to Turkmenistan, brb

How about if I say that definitively, instead of phrasing it as a question?

Attempt to avoid reality?

If Michael Brown was aggressive either in the car or when he turned around after Darren Wilson began shooting at him, it would have been advantageous for the police to release the incident report when the media began asking for it last week. But they haven't, despite receiving multiple records requests. They're trying

If this is what happened, why wouldn't the police chief have said so last week? Are people just pulling this theory out of their asses, or is there anything to give it credibility?

How would you like to die?

I don't think his situation is known, at least to the public. From what his neighbors told USA Today, it sounds like he and his family left their house sometime last week. I'm guessing the Ferguson PD and county officials made that happen and are continuing to protect/hide him.

Hmm, schlepping around Walmart/Staples/Target (and I mean all of them, because I guarantee some items on the list will be out of stock wherever I go), or perusing websites from my couch while watching tv and sipping wine?

And raccoons (if they're dude raccoons) > Ladies

Didn't Roemer say the police told her the burglary looked "almost too professional"?

I have no idea. I could probably have gotten away with doing that as a teenager. Not everyone has parents who are paying attention, unfortunately.