Mr Glitch

Mark Hamill was fun as The Trickster on The Flash, too. Hopefully they find a way to use him again. It was fun seeing him last season briefly on Earth-3 as I think an amalgamation of The Trickster & The Joker.

An over-reliance on Bat-tanks not withstanding, the Arkham game series was the perfect close to the Conroy/Hamill era of Batman

A deal closed, somewhere, on a crossroad, in the deep south, next to a hanging tree, one hit by lightning several times, in front of a boarded up institution for the criminal insane of somewhat ill repute that was housed in a converted what used to be, conveniently already tiled, easy to clean, great drainage but

My understanding is it started with him doing a whole bunch of cocaine and then threatening to file suit against anyone saying he did.....Allegedly.

Melania would’ve married fucking Qaddafi if the trump thing didn’t work out.

Damn it, you made me think the show was coming back! A less clickbaity headline would have used the word ‘syndication’.

Viola Davis won’t return my phone calls either!

Yeah, your post is pretty much Exhibit A. Saves me time. Thanks.

The US leads the world in “number of citizens from other countries trying to drag it down.”

Says the person who literally did nothing but complain about someone pointing out how shitty the President of the United States of America is...

Yeah, I read your lies about how the island has no bunkers or disaster preparedeness plans and how supplies are not being distributed due to managerial incompetence, rather than infrastructure collapse. Sounds like victim blaming to me. Curves nicely into a lot of the garbage I’ve heard elsewhere from Trump apologists.

“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”

I don’t remember that, but I think I only saw that version once. I can see how that was inserted at the end, while they drive in a Jeep(?!) through the sunny green mountainside.

The only detail I remember about the sequel novel (other than the fact that the author missed the fact that JF Sebastian dies off screen in

Or you could read the librarian’s actual response suggesting that donating books to a library in an already wealthy, predominately white neighborhood is dumb, giving suggestions as to better places to choose, but nah the White House’s narrative makes for better clickbait, good job AV Club!

Or claymation. Clamation would be awesome

“I’m J. Thomas Candycorn, and I’m gonna tear down this Halloween to build a parking lot for a mall! *Mahler’s Piano Quartet in A minor starts playing, two B-Boy suit-wearing lawyers dance around* Any objections?”

“Wait, how are you gonna tear down Halloween?”

You don’t have to tell me. Every time I see Tom Cruise, I think: “Yep, that’s a real bottom right there.”

THREAD: Twitter as a platform is such a fundamentally flawed method of communication that even our official announcements have to be (1/9)

Uh-Oh. Tweetstorm a brewin’. King Cheeto be like:

Everything you said so far is retarded... I can eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out smarter arguments then these.