
Definitely two dudes who by all rights should have been gone long ago considering the amount of drugs,along with the insane shenanigans. Ozzy when gone will definitely be missed

Y’know how people freak out worrying a celebrity died every time they see them trending on social media? I have never worried about Ozzy when he trends. I read his memoir. It’s amazing what he’s survived. Conventional weapons cannot kill him.

And playing “Tainted Love” at the wake.

My wife is from another state that also has these and supposedly they called them the “jizz and split” growing up 

How about we just make it so pharmaceutical companies just can’t advertise to consumers?

He’s just a guy that got really good grades in business school.

If I were the call center employee, I’d have paid the $150 on my own card, except that, as a call center employee, I probably couldn’t have afforded it.

The problem was not the book. The problem was when he was asked a total softball of a question about the book and accidentally dropped his pants to show his ass to the world.

You could literally write the name of each episode from the first three seasons on little scraps of paper, pin each scrap to a dart board, throw 10 darts and whichever 10 episodes you hit first would make up a list that reasonable people would agree was pretty good (while still arguing for their own personal

How are “rhymes with lord” and “rhymes with board” different?

I am very much enjoying so many’s interpretation of this man’s name being “a pre-internet japanese person’s idea of a ‘very american’ name”

High beam button on the floor!

Yeah, the man is a fucking god when it comes to film, no doubt, but surely even he realizes that the theater model as we know it is going away, so if he wants people to watch his fucking four hour epic then maybe bend for the theaters just a bit.  Especially considering has last four hour epic came straight to

They were elected, just like Bibi was elected!

I’ve never seen a mugshot of a guy more named “Cody” than this.

I took my 10 year-old daughter to see Stop Making Sense and next Friday we’re going to see the Eras tour. I feel like I got the short end of the stick. Stop Making Sense is 89 minutes long. Eras is 2 hours and 45 minutes.

I thought I’d be sad when I got to the age of not knowing about current pop culture trends, but now that it’s happened I’m pretty cool with it.

Except this kid didn’t do anything. Rittenhouse killed someone, balled like a big baby when he had to acknowledge some responsibility for killing someone, and got off Scott free of the obvious murder he committed. Vastly different.

Only Rittenhouse is a lying murdering asshat who put himself in harm’s way just so he could kill someone.
And this kid is innocent.
They’re different.

He’s not rich for nothing.