
Years ago, my buddy bought a manual transmission WRX having no idea how to drive a stick, and he figured it out eventually. But he was uncomfortable figuring it out with me and my wife (both grew up with manual transmissions) so every time we went somewhere, I got to drive his brand-new Subie, which, as a poor person,

Rep. King was born in a town called Storm Lake, which has around 10,000 residents. It is also incredibly diverse. It’d be diverse for anywhere in the country, but in Iowa’s 4th district, it is such an anomaly. Less than 40% of the people of this rural town are (non-Hispanic) white. Students in the public school system

Oh, 100%. When I learned Waititi and Clement were very involved in the season after seeing the pilot, I allowed myself to get more hyped. 

I decided to finally check out AP Bio because Hulu said it was expiring. It was a treat to see a cameo from the actor that plays Colin Robinson in a, ahem, more hands-on type of character. WWDITS is easily my pick for favorite new show of the year, and might be my overall show of the year. I came in with low

I only know Karp through his (really entertaining) memoir and had no idea he was on the radio, but why’d you feel the need to include all of mr the beef’s foibles as a tack-on to this article? That seems pretty unnecessary to close this piece about one guy’s mea culpa to the guy who was bothered by it.

Once upon a time I made an AV club user account (my first registered one - I’ve been posting here since I could just type in my nom de snark and post) that was “avclub freelance editor” or something similar and I regret not actually using it.

I honestly don’t give a shit about awards, but McShane never won an Emmy for Swearengin?!? Jesus Christ, I don’t even want to know which hoople-headed cocksuckers won over what is probably the best written, best acted TV character this century.

Make it a VR6 Mk IV GTI or Jetta, and you’ve got my vote! 

My wife moved around a month ahead of me across country because she got a job back home before I did. When I moved into our new rental, I saw she had an Alexa set up. I wasn’t enthused. We’ve got a spy in our house and the only thing it is really used for is turning on the living room light. You know, the lamp on the

Still gotta defend him, though. The US criminal justice system is brutal, so even pieces of shit like this guy deserve legal counsel. He’s looking out for his client’s best interests even though they aren’t society’s. 

I was recently asked at my new job if I’ve “ever been on a podcast before” as I had “the most beautiful voice.” I mean, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I’m not Marc Evan Jackson, so I can say they were wrong. Dude has straight butter for vocal cords. Also, the Good Place the Podcast is forking great. If you

Even monsters like Cosby should have something prepared for his audience. Er, cellmates. No, this is not a prison rape joke.

The only Goatman I’ll recognize wears a wedding band and was first introduced to me at a .CX domain. Sorry, Baphomet. 

I say fire every cop and start over. Shit, draft citizens to serve for a year and then they can go on with their lives. Either a bunch of officers missed a lit and smoking blunt in the back seat that they cleared and have no working eyes and nose, or they allowed another cop to (quite obviously and blatantly plant

The Break’s “Ice Is” bit was so fucking funny and prescient. Even if all Wolf & Co. did was that clip and 180 minutes of static, it would be worth renewing.  

I caught a connecting flight in Detroit a couple weeks ago. It was the first time I traveled through there. Psychedelic tunnel was a pleasant surprise.

My congressman is Steve King. I’m willing to wager he’ll have it in his driveway with the keys in the ignition for anyone to take for a spin.

I voted early like all good people should do in states that allow it. I voted sometime in mid-October, and I cast a ballot against the Nazi, Steve King. I stuck the sticker on the proof on an editorial that I wrote noting that Steve King is a racist, fascist turd of a human and no one in his district seems to mind. Hop

Rhetorical question I know, but Iowa had the greatest number (per-capita) of soldiers fighting for the union. And Mr. Crockett, no need to borrow a phrase from (hopefully) Gov. Gillum. Steve King is a racist, and other racists applaud that fact.