Beverly Crush-Her

I love Jezebel, I’m a Canadian, and I identify as a feminist. I was wondering, have you read the 75 pages of court proceedings that are available online? I’m part way thought it and it doesn’t seem so cut and dry like this article seems to make it out to be. I think we should believe anyone when they say they have

Our whooping cough vaccine is now a version that wears off after 5-10 years (there were safety concerns about the older, more effective version). Anti-vaxxers are partly to blame for the surge in whooping cough, but a lot of it is just people not realizing they should get boosters every now and then.

I cannot star this post enough. Thanks for saying it.

I have no problem with him taking it out of his household budget. Some prime ministers haven’t, but then, some prime ministers haven’t had such young children in office. Most of them are elected at an age when their children, if they have them, and goodness knows the voting public expects their country’s leader to be

They are paid for every hour, 24/7. This means that they are paid even when they are sleeping, though they remain on call at all hours. Further, it seems that their room and board are also covered, so all of the money they make is theirs to take home (or, more likely, to send to their families).