The PS5 looks hilariously bad and I love it. The design looks fun and it stands out. The Xbox Series X on the other hand looks clunky, boring and, well, ugly.
The PS5 looks hilariously bad and I love it. The design looks fun and it stands out. The Xbox Series X on the other hand looks clunky, boring and, well, ugly.
But now you can do both!
I’m staring at my launch PSOne. Even with age, you can obviously see the system wasn’t anywhere close to white.
Hot take about 2027, gotcha.
Oh, I didn’t mean any of the Playstation designs, though I do think the PS2 Slim is a really handsome machine. I meant more like the early Walkman designs, and a few other personal media devices they’ve made. Then you have a look at some of their Discman designs, and yeah, not so good.
Boooooooo. It looks like they put some effort into how it looks! The XBSX looks like a wastebasket to me, and people seem to love how it looks. When did everyone decide “it looks boring” was good again?
Hell yeah! My console collection has enough boring black boxes in it. This shit is many things, but boring isn’t one of them.
The pic of it on its side makes it look absolutely terrible. This thing was definitely designed to be upright, then just made to work horizontally any way they could manage.
Disagree. It takes elements from every past generation of PlayStation and rolls them into the most PlayStation PlayStation that has ever PlayStationed.
The PSOne was white and or Grey, lest you forget. It has a splash of the PS2 Electric Blue, it’s got PS3 Curves, and the high-gloss / matte finish of the PS4.
This is…
It is the most hilariously overdesigned piece of console tech I’ve ever seen and I am HERE for it. It’s like if Audi made a console. It’s like if Frank Lloyd Wright took a stab at an Apple product. The fucking thing has FINS for crying out loud! The only way it looks even more ridiculous is if it could do 0-60 in 9…
The entire show today was building towards one thing: our first look at the PS5 hardware
Or we could talk about society policing women’s bodies and slut shaming based on clothing... Or about defining someone who is well endowed as provocative just because they aren’t hiding their curves. Or about most of us being too prude and afraid of female empowerment to allow women to show skin because men are too…
They are not dressing provocatively, they are dressing as the character. The character just happens to provocative.
you are TOTALLY 'that guy'.
I have nice C cups for a man