
i like your vandyke beard!!!

always sounded like a jingle to a hair color commercial.

my favorite, when they produced the one-man play starring Derek Jacobi, as a Shakespearean actor formerly featured on a Star Trek-type show from their childhood. and his acting was awful. they were so excited to be producers, then so afraid they would be laughingstocks.

yeah, he "high-fived Queen Latifa when he was a PA on "Living Single."

and if you're in Springfield va don't miss
Field Master Drive 22152

on SCTV they were showing someone's (i dont remember who) descent into alcoholism and debauchery through a series of fleabag motels and dive bars. the last stop was Johnny Larue's Luau Room.

yeah, Sunrise really sold me on silent films. i had never really considered the players to be really "acting" , just emoting and eyebugging and rinky dink music, a pretty dismissive attitude of silent films as a whole. but Sunrise was the first film i really found engaging, suspense-filled, just really a beautiful

no controversy!!!!
Off the Wall >>> Thriller!!!

that was such a good show, still have it on some old VHS. last scene of the first episode, literally, my mouth dropped open and i burst out laughing. called my brother 200 miles away and we cracked up.

i can't stand those two together in the first place. there is no chemistry, no rapport between them. i hate them separately and together. they fuck each other because there's no one else around

in one of my favorite books — "I hated, hated, hated that movie"

i only saw that a few times but it was pretty funny. she lived in Miami and owned an optometrist shop, and her older sister was divorced, had moved back in with their retired parents and started acting like all the old people.
one time she was dating a star hockey player and he commented to the press that he

"it is completely illogical that so many people would have said nothing, done nothing, and made no reports to law enforcement or asserted civil claims if they thought they had been assaulted over a span of so many years" —- you could say the same thing about Catholic priests. and the late beloved Jimmy Savile.

betcha five dollars, Michaela is going to have a Katrina backstory!!!

Bayou Traaaaaash!!!