Assaulted Peanut

Am I totally misinterpreting his quote? Because when I read “correcting for race”, I understand it as counting all women together, regardless of race, not eliminating one or several groups. Can someone clarify?

When I was 9, my family moved to a small, ranch style house in a very rural suburb on Lake Erie. The last house we lived in was over 100 years old, and my family has personal ghost stories about little things they’d seen and heard while they lived here, but for my little sister and I, this new house would be the home

Ghosts in the Walls”

As my parents gave me more freedom and independence so they could enjoy themselves as adults I was often left at home to do homework, talk on the phone, or as I was wont to do: listen to Van Halen. In the spring of 1980, at 13, we lived on the West Bank military base across the Mississippi river from New Orleans. My

Not supernatural, but scary (and true) as fuck. This has been on my mind after the stories of that young woman killed by someone who worked at her apartment complex.

My mom grew up in a small farm in the middle-of-nowhere northwestern Minnesota. Her dad died before I was born, but I regularly visited her mom (my grandmother) still living at the farm, until she passed when I was a teenager. My grandmother was the prototypical Great Depression-forged Midwest farm wife of Norwegian

I’ll preface this by saying I’m a skeptic-as much as I’d like supernatural things to exist, I find it hard to believe. I’m sure there’s a logical explanation for what I encountered, but that doesn’t stop it from being the weirdest fucking thing I’ve ever experienced.

This happened 30 years ago. My dad and two friends were on a backpacking trip to a remote region of the Medicine Bow Wilderness. It was a quick, uneventful weekend trip, and the two friends actually left early Sunday morning to get home because they had to work the next day (it’s about a 2 hour hike in from the canyon

Quite a few years ago, I was in a very bad relationship with a guy who we will call B. He was all around wrong for me, but I was young and of course I thought I could change him. We had already been dating for a while when I began to suspect he was into some....bad endeavors. Anyway, the final straw came when I found

From ages four to fourteen, I lived in an old brick house in a college town in central Texas where almost everything was new construction. It was in a pretty ritzy part of town, and even there it stood out with its “circa 1925" bronze plaque next to the front door. My parents were professors at the local

My great-grandmother lived in the same house for over 70 years, from when she got married in 1922 until she had a stroke in the 1999. It was one house over from my grandparents’ house, and I spent most of our visits to see them going from one house to the other.

More mischief than scary. A decade ago or so, I was in a summer exchange program in Central Europe. The course I took culminated in one vicious exam, and leaving early post-exam since I completed it fast. (I actually studied, whereas half the class was hungover from the wine tour the night before). Needless to say, I w

One of my best friends growing up lived in a house that was deeply haunted. When I would stay over, sometimes we would sleep in her bedroom, and sometimes, we would sleep in the living room. I always preferred sleeping in her bedroom, because when sleeping in the living room, there would always be something that

I went to school in New York City and my freshman dorm, very pre-war, was an restored 5th avenue hotel - and most notably, an old residence of Mark Twain. We’re talking sinks in the bedroom, rusted heaters, cracked flooring, curling paint. I lived on the 14th floor (which was technically the 13th floor but triskaidekap

One fall night in the mid-90s, my friend and I decided to take a late visit to Welwyn Preserve in Glen Cove, NY. It had long since closed for the day - this was like 10.30 at night - but we always parked in a cul-de-sac at the end of Glengariff Drive, where there was a path into the woods (I tell you these things in

I posted this last year hours before the deadline. Doubt many people saw it so I thought I’d post again. Hope that’s cool.

Shared this story last year but it got buried. It happened right around this time last year, so it was very fresh in my mind then.

I’ve experienced many a spooky thing in my life but this one hands down is my favorite. I used to live in an apartment building that was originally a doctors house from about 1900. My sensitive friends and I took the time to identify the different ghosts we felt around the house there was a little girl and everyone

I rarely tell this story, because people just chalk it up to the weed and wine, but I was pretty clear-headed when it happened. What I saw may not qualify as a ghost, but it was something. Anyhow.

This happened when I was around seven and living in a small farm town outside of Chicago. Each night I’d go to bed and from the ceiling above me a little girl, in the shape of a shadow, would watch me. I recall she had this curly untamed hair and no facial features, but she definitely read as a little girl around my