Assaulted Peanut

i got the joker...because i picked lighthearted things and full of surprises in bed? is the surprise that he'd deffo murder me?

I quit a cult and half my family when I was 16. I grew up in the cult. Think Jehovah's Witness, but a bit weirder. I went to this fundamentalist church's private school where I got straight As but was mostly disliked by the other students for being a goody-two shoes. I studied the Bible all the time, was not allowed

you should do some kind of round up of all the times taylor did something with a celebrity chef. #goodideas #nonbiasedideas


They are all such a blur and often involved putting all of the things up my nose. Here's a very scant selection, all of which must have happened before I was 23.

Oh Team dog, we love you guys. You're so easy. Of course we will bring you all the treats. Do you want this treat? Do you? Do you want this treat?

Bring what? Bring treats? Bring treats! Oh boy oh boy oh boy! -Team Dog

I'll try to make this a short and sweet as possible. I stumbled upon Jezebel through I09 because I am a nerd and I do nerd shit. I'm an empathetic type of guy but I never really delved too deeply into the concept of feminism. Until I started reading articles on Jez. Of course I love the puns and snarky comments. But

Not the worst thing I've ever done, but certainly one of the worst. Two years ago my long distance boyfriend (now husband) came to visit me in Birmingham, AL. We got a fancy room at the Marriott and headed to a World of Beer for NYE at 8 pm in the busy 5 Points area. Evidently they had a cash cover, so we walked a

This isn't a big party hard story or anything, but it was deeply uncomfortable.

The worst thing I ever did on New Year's remains the Y2K party my friends and I threw in 2000.

Jesus H. Christ, that is one judgey fucking cookie! Yikes.

Sorry but I'm pretty sure the fortune I got a few weeks ago trumps hers

I had a lovely little dog named Angel (she was anything but) who would not go to bed until her teeth were brushed. It started with me brushing my teeth and such and her pestering me. I finally gave her an old toothbrush and she would gnaw on it back and forth. The next night the same thing happened and within three

Now playing

True Detective was great all around, but to quote Rainn Wilson, the longshot at the end of Ep. 4 better win all the fucking awards for everything. That was the best 6 minutes of TV ever produced. EVER.

Now playing

Ok, singing Hiddles is awesome, but Rebecca, DANCING Tom is my favorite thing ever.

Beth Lives!!!!!

I worked for years at a popular Georgetown 'dining saloon', and I have many stories I could tell, but for some reason this one has come to mind tonight. We were packed on a Saturday night, about three deep at the bar and my cocktail section was overflowing. The windows were open because it was a beautiful DC spring

I always seem to like guys who are unavailable...