Assaulted Peanut

Still laughing about Ronald McDonald a solid minute later. More people need to see this one!

I think so. A couple of really good ones and some solid ones. Definitely better than the gas leak year.

Yeah, it's just a case of sitting on my good side/looking at me when you speak. Don't want to deceive people but also don't want them to assume that I'll be "difficult".

Yikes, yeah that's bound to be a shock.

Bummer. Whereabouts in London? Initially thought Camden...

I'm trying to launch myself into online dating properly after only dipping my toe briefly into the waters of OKStupid and promptly running away in horror. On a paying site now (Guardian, for Brits) and seem to be getting some nice messages.

Late entry, but: dancing with the cats. Training the pup to do it on two legs...

This needs to be higher for topical relevance!

It is great, really recommend it, hope you like it!

It's from Pirates! An Adventure with Scientists, though I think it might be something else in the States...

If period fiction is your jam, I cannot recommend enough "Under an English Heaven" about American Air Force pilots operating out of England and the village they're staying in. It's fantastic.

Any genre of literature you're looking for in particular?

I'm so sorry :(

Right there with you :( I've started wondering if I legit have an issue. Bummer central.

Still no reply from fricking PR firm who are in the process of getting my contract to me, damn it.
On the upside: went out tonight despite not feeling like trekking in the rain and had a nice time and a sherry and minced pie party. Made new female friend. Found confidence to wear what is basically a cropped sweater

Any of Dan Barber's! He's a chef in New York who talks about food sources with such conviction and wit that I kind of fell a bit head over heels. He's really funny and you'll actually learn something. The best one is probably: How I Fell in Love With a Fish

Not sure if anyone will remember, but I wrote about interviews and waiting to hear back about a PR job I thought I'd gotten a couple of weekends ago. Update: still waiting to hear.
I've been given the wink-wink, nudge-nudge but still no official contract. Apparently they're wrangling with internal loopholes and I'll

I sympathise with the vacation thing: the job I'm hoping I'm getting an offer for is taking so long because the CEO was away last week. UGH.