Assaulted Peanut

Still no reply from fricking PR firm who are in the process of getting my contract to me, damn it.
On the upside: went out tonight despite not feeling like trekking in the rain and had a nice time and a sherry and minced pie party. Made new female friend. Found confidence to wear what is basically a cropped sweater

Any of Dan Barber's! He's a chef in New York who talks about food sources with such conviction and wit that I kind of fell a bit head over heels. He's really funny and you'll actually learn something. The best one is probably: How I Fell in Love With a Fish

Not sure if anyone will remember, but I wrote about interviews and waiting to hear back about a PR job I thought I'd gotten a couple of weekends ago. Update: still waiting to hear.
I've been given the wink-wink, nudge-nudge but still no official contract. Apparently they're wrangling with internal loopholes and I'll

I sympathise with the vacation thing: the job I'm hoping I'm getting an offer for is taking so long because the CEO was away last week. UGH.

He's about the side of a mini pony! Lil Sebestian reincarnated. And thank you!

Keeping my fingers crossed for you, too! Wait to see if you get the offer first, then stress out. In the meantime, you can prep for your December interview. Maybe there's a chance that if you get the short term offer, you could ask the local people if there's any chance the interview could be moved up because you'd

YES! Do it and post pictures. Starry carpet for the win.

I know I did have a good one, but I will have to have a dig. I found that it so nice to add allspice to the recipe, as well as nutmeg, makes all the difference. Will post the recipe here once I find it!

Brit here, so no Thanksgiving, but we do turkey for Christmas. My favourite thing is the stuffing, hands down: sausage, onion and celery, amazing. Also, for the English element: bread sauce, which is amazing.

Yes, definitely, though I'm now weirdly attracted to Abraham. Or maybe just the moustache? Is that possible? Was driven nuts by Maggie seemingly forgetting she had a sister, though.

Yikes! My hat is off to you, I feel like I just about have a lock on this language. Are you having to do a presentation in front of an audience? If so, embrace the camp. Did a presentation on Reagan once that featured Star Wars theme and Dr Evil talking about "a laser": only presentation the students paid attention to.

It seemed very rehearsed, as though he had read that he should touch my wrist every so often, try to put me on the back foot, then flatter me, etc, etc. I felt like he made a grab for my wrist every few minutes.

The night is dark and full of terrors...
And cannot wait for TWD, but have to until tomorrow night, thanks to being in the UK, dagnabbit! Can't believe they're going on hiatus after next week, though... Didn't it just start?

Thank you! It's a PR job. I'm actually really nervous that they might be putting me in a position that's more senior than I'm qualified for, so conflicted between crushing fear of failure and the need for as much money as possible...

That sounds super cathartic. Any common themes coming out? Wish I had enough guys to write about but alas all I have is the blind date dude I saw recently. Does it make sense if I say it felt like he was using a playbook?

Oh, Jezzies, I think I might finally be getting a job offer this week after about nine months of job hunting. I'm so excited and fearful all at once, I'm like a twitchy hamster. I feel like I've been jerked around so many times by potential employers that I don't know what I'll do if I don't get this one.

Done, contributing to the international effort.

Thank you! I just need to not overthink it, I think. Trying to stick with the: if it doesn't work out, at least I'll get a story out of it!
And yes, he's very cute!

Have a weird week coming up. My 26th birthday on Tuesday, blind date tomorrow night. Any advice? My first one, ever!