
Hello Mudda

Philly fans might eat him alive if he gets smoked by Terrance Williams.

Now playing

I’ve mentioned before this is a long standing tradition in Texas High School Football

Decimate the ranks? If they can’t do their jobs, being hung up on some policy BS or personal morality point, they shouldn’t be there.

Go away then. If you only come for war-porn and gear-jacking, then you won’t be missed. Adults have adult conversations. The military isn’t all “ooh-rah let’s blow shit up and consume more money to buy the latest and greatest toys” (at least, it should not be).

They seem pissed that Tyler pointed out the lies misleading wrong things the onstage repubs spoke so easily the other night.

Oh so you’re saying that a well-written and well thought out blog written by an actual vet is just like Huffpost?

Of all the things that I think Obama has done wrong, that’s not one of them. With the terms that they were offering us, the Iraqi government was making it abundantly clear that they wanted to take full responsibility for whatever clusterfuck happened next in their country. The Iraqi government made their beds and now

The key is to know where your news is coming from. I know that Gawker is going to publish news on a liberal bent and when I’m looking for deeper information, always use multiple sources. But I mostly use Gawker because I like the way they write most of their stories.

That’s why I prefer to read this kind of information on Foxtrot Alpha; Gawker itself is about as trustworthy as The Nationalmidnightstar....or Fox News.

“Undoubtedly, the Bush name is Jeb’s biggest handicap in getting elected in the long term as Operation Iraqi Freedom, including Obama’s blundering exit strategy, will go down as one of the worst military failures in modern history”

You’re right, moron is a bad word to describe wealthy politicians who have gamed the system to perfection. I consider all their lies to be dumb, but ultimately the people who buy into their lies are the morons. We need change, but the answers aren’t going to come from anyone on that stage, nor are they coming from

"...and then he pulled out a SECOND gun!"

He has almost certainly done more damage to his HOF chances than Shaper did by being a rapist. Because the football media is a bunch of self important jackanapes.

Every athlete at that level is a loud mouth and a dickhead to the other team. Manning and Brady scream at everyone on the field (refs, teammates, opponents). Why the hate for Sherman? What makes him different? I would argue that his critiques of the NFL have been some of the most important things that an athlete has


I don't think you know what Social Anxiety Disorder is.

Well, how many io9ers here accept that we are in Great_Depression_2.0? That the oceans will be devoid of fish (!) within about 20 years? How many accept that we've passed peak oil and we're the cause of the greatest extinction event in millions of years? And if anyone cares, we've just passed 7 billion mouths to feed