Better Days

I missed the train on Google's IPO, and saw the prices skyrocket... and I'm going to miss this one once again. Damn.

Slutty party-girl look with mandatory club-pic duckface. Will it ever stop ?

It's a stunt, it's obvious... the wheels don't go over on the manhole, which is clearly situated in the middle of the car at the moment of the "accident". Manhole cover before, no cover afterwards. Fake. Viral ad for a SFX company ?

You forgot the 50% of teens who just wear cans to look cool. Even if Justin Bieber is pumping in their cans.

...a winner with TouchWiz slapped on it. HA HA

I thought I read the computer investigators can actually scan the physical "bits" on the platters to go further than the last change of state (in this case, writing a zero everywhere). Since it's all physical in a regular hard drive, apparently the matter keeps a memory of the changes it's been through. Freaky. But

Music fix : mute the video, hit play and 10 seconds in, launch this one (you'll be surprised with the sync) []

Against pirates ? not at all... it's designed for fighting Sea Shepherd and Greenpeace ;-)

That's "Cantaloupe", for those who can't spell (I'm looking at you, Hendruw Tarrontula). Hence the parodic 1993 reprise "Cantaloop" by US3.

@mnerd hint : they needed money, and cross-protocol IM wasn't earning them any.

Next up : a challenge on black & white shot with Instagram... on a TABLET ! bring it !

double post, page failed

Tchernobyl and Fukushima weren't that bad, after all... We're doomed.

The future is now : it's called "that moron behind you who treats your seat like his livingroom table"

Dishonesty at its worst. I just tried your sentence on my iphone with iOS 5.1 and it didn't autocorrect "its" to "it's". HA HA

Since when has the hotshoe had any capability to provide power ??? you're daydreaming, here. At least for Canon cameras...

Usually, a 5D markIII needs a *lens* to shoot any kind of image... Add 2 modest primes or a 24-70 2.8 L and you reach 4700.

Apparently, Hasbro mimics their target audience and still believes in Santa. No wonder they ordered a few million dollars as pocket money for Christmas...

"What the hell were these architects thinking?", you ask ? that hell we all remember, obviously...

In an iPhone 5 near you next september...