Mo'ne Mo'ne

We can be smart asses and semi trolls because that was Dedspin is. But not I’m this case. Not this time. What is going on is quite serious and as a parent I couldn’t bring myself to crack wise about this. I hope you and your son are able to find some measure of peace. I hope your son can find peace in a way that


That was the whole point.

Corny and lame. Fuck you for making me laugh though.

I hate all of you. +1

There is a woman who had sex with this 3 times?!!!!

Seems legit.

Too damn soon. +1

Amazing. Because her scholarship is for playing an instrument, this is all legal and good. God forbid she was an athlete. Villanova would be looking at the death penalty for all of this.

If the NBA has a defacto minor league that costs them basically nothing, why would they encourage any change to that system? And the millions amd billions that the NCAA and its member institutions makes from playing its position in this system doesn't give it any reason to seek change either.