I suspect that Charney and I would not agree on many things but I agree that retailers who act with callous disregard for the lives of workers deserve to have their asses handed to them.
I suspect that Charney and I would not agree on many things but I agree that retailers who act with callous disregard for the lives of workers deserve to have their asses handed to them.
I'm sorry, what is wrong with what he said exactly? Just because you don't like the man doesn't mean he's wrong about everything. Do you want your lingerie to be made in a slave-like setting? Or are you just snarking on him because of the other issues you pepper throughout the piece? I'm mostly confused about this…
These colourful embroidered flames make him go faster.
This is weird, because Jose Canseco has always made such great decisions.
You need to realize that your generation is not going to get anything. Yes, maybe you grew up with some nice things that you enjoyed; a house your parents could afford, a decent car, decent health care... But should you want these things for yourselves? No. No other generation cared about these material…