...I did not know that that kind of on demand hot water was a thing. It sounds like such a decadent waste of money and I want it so badly.
...I did not know that that kind of on demand hot water was a thing. It sounds like such a decadent waste of money and I want it so badly.
Ha! Sounds like my parents. They paid for my college, and the ‘softest’ major they would let me consider was psychology, as long as I also got a minor - any minor - along with it. So I got me a psychology degree with a German minor and now I’m in tech? Whatever. But I’m glad they put their collective feet down because…
Right? I agree with you. My parents aren’t nearly in the same realm as that person with the fancy cars and the debutante ball story, but they are multi-millionaires who still reuse Ziplock bags until they’re falling apart, and tinfoil, and have a 30 year old vacuum, etc. etc. etc. Neither my brother nor I expect an…
From one 13 year old sexual survivor to another, I feel you. It took me years of not dealing with it to only now realizing how skeevy it was that I had sex at 13 (I’m 43) to start unpacking my issues surrounding it. I think what did it for me was getting to know some of my friends’ children who are starting to turn…
I don’t know if you’re trolling or for real, but I’ll answer you. I’m 43 now, but I had sex for the first time at 13, with a 15 year old. At the time, I played it off real cool, like nothing was the matter. But everything went wrong after that, for awhile. My grades slipped from straight As in middle school to a 1.8…
Do you worry about that too?!!? It’s why I refuse to click on Breitbart, or try to learn more about the loathsome alt-right other than what I read on WaPo or here or Wonkette, because I’m leery of clicking on a terrible site and accidentally ending up on a watch list.
I had unwilling sexual intercourse at 13 with a boy of 15. I shudder to think what that experience would have done to me had the boy not been a boy, but rather a man. As it was, it killed my self esteem and my body image is still in the gutter even now, at 43. After that first experience, I went on to have other…
Like I explained to Yahama Head above (though I am grey, so they may not ungrey it), my husband and I create corporate apps, and we work for a Fortune 100 company. Therefore, even if you, personally, never use an app on your smartphone, or don’t have a smartphone, if you order things online, or use a car or…
Sometimes, as a programmer, I can figuratively feel my brain hitting the wall so hard that it’s almost literally. Like, when I can’t understand an architectural concept (yet) for our newest app, or can’t figure my way around a problem (yet). The answer is there; I haven’t found my way to it yet. Bam, brick wall. It’s…
My husband and I create the mobile applications that people in, say, the Amazon Prime warehouses use to find all of the crap that you order in those football field-sized warehouses. Our apps tell the workers which aisle, which shelf, which bin, and then how many dildos you, Yamaha Head, want for your next sex party,…
We do, you know. Work. I don’t live in Silicon Valley, but I am in tech. Although my husband and I work for a Fortune 100 company and we are Olds and we would never ever EVER work for a startup even if someone threatened to pull out our fingernails with pliers.
Without reading any of the comments, I’m going to say as a 43 year old woman in tech, yes, obviously I believe all of Susan’s story.
Woo! I’m in the part slated to be ruled by Canada! YAAAAAAY!
I am a straight woman and I agree.
Arne Duncan! Tall guy, from Chicago. That was Obama’s Sec. of Education pick. He had a world of experience in public school education. I didn’t even have to use the Google masheen to look it up, either. :)
I own so many camisoles because of the thin clothing problem. I feel you.
So do you think he’s biding his time to get canned?
For the life of me, I do not understand why Spicer has not told 45 to take a long walk off of a short pier already. The pay cannot be worth all of this.
I hear you on this. Living in Chicago and working downtown every day while under this administration makes me uneasy. I would expect a terrorist attack more in DC or NYC, but Chicago would probably be third on the list.