
I grew up in the south (NC), and I will never ever EVER move back there again. I’ve been in Chicago for 18 years now and while the winters aren’t the greatest, and Rahm Emmanuel sucks balls, it’s a hundred million times better than living in the cesspit of the south. Apologies to all southerners. To each their own,

It’s why I never return any of the bags I buy back to Nordstrom, even when I make a mistake and hate them - I’ll sell them to TheRealReal instead. Same with shoes, another downfall of mine.

Sigh. Some of us love fashion. You don’t have to knock it.

I was always taught that the Jewish people controlled the wealth, but maybe I was taught wrong? Insert shruggie here

My old middle-school / high school friend who ended up going to Parsons in NYC interned for the Rockettes somewhere in the mid-1990s. He would write me letters (ah, the days before email) about sewing sequins to hosiery - it sounded so glam! He never caught a show except for once, because like you said, it’s not a NYC

I am the bleedingest heart of bleeding heart liberals, in Chicago, and my husband came into our marriage with this teensy little handgun of some sort and a rifle of some sort. We probably should get licenses (he’s originally from Indiana and they came from there) and ammunition and learn how to use them and so on and

I can’t believe I used to love Ben Stein when he was on MTV. That asshole.

I left the country for Thanksgiving and it was wonderful. A+++ will do it again every year.

Right? Everything does feel different. It’s funny, I want to protest (I live in Chicago), but I don’t, much, or the one time I did, I left my phone at work because I’m super duper paranoid about facial recognition and the planes that capture phone data (or the truck that captures phone data, whichever). I’m super

You are not wrong for feeling that way, but don’t let that stop you from seeing the world and doing things, please. Keep alert, keep your wits about you, if you see something, tell someone. Know that your odds of being killed in a terrorist attack are still minimal - I believe that you’re still more likely to be

I am so sorry; I am trying to recommend your post and it appears that all I am doing is taking away stars. This has never happened before, and for the life of me I don’t know how to give back the three stars I stole. ***hanging my head in shame***

I would think, and I could be wrong, that Mike Pence is not dumb like that. If he got even a whiff of Russian interference talk in the room, he would recuse himself from that room. Emails or correspondence is another story, but I know if I were him and had hopes of being the POTUS once Trump got himself impeached

I always thought the Antichrist was supposed to be smart and a snappy dresser, but I could be wrong about that.

Doesn’t Gordon Ramsey get all bent out of shape and start yelling at contestants about truffle oil? Am I misremembering this?

I realize not everyone has the discretionary funds to do this, but my husband and I are DINKS and in the tech field and so we do. After the Hell Flight overseas of 2015 from CDG to ORD, I declared that was the absolute last time I was going to fly coach for long haul flights ever again. This year we just got back from

No. It’s Fix Or Repair Daily. Everyone knows that! Growing up, my dad groused that if I ever bought a Ford, he would disown me. I was all, “okay, pops”.

DO EEET. Post pictures. Here.

I read it as a dig against Ted Cruz myself, and basically anyone who is associated with him being from another planet.

Dude, if there were a Craigslist ad to be a professional booer for Hamilton, to boo Mike Pence, you KNOW it would be phone lines jammed for those positions. Shit, I should buy a crappy Southwest airlines ticket to be a professional booer for that gig. To see Hamilton, mostly. I mean, yes, I loathe Pence, but I totally