
Yeah, my husband started listening to it / watching it, and I forced him to shut it off because it was AWFUL. It’s this British white dude screaming into the void, and he’s got the camera set up in a hall of mirrors style so, how to explain, you see an infinite horror-show *him* screaming at you, about how this is All

I absolutely count myself as a depressed Hillary voter. I’m in Illinois, so it doesn’t matter if I went out and voted or not (for President; I’m aware of down-ballot voting and how important it is). I still went out and did my duty and voted for Hillary, though I’ve never been thrilled. Comey never made a difference

I spent far too long the night after he was elected pondering to myself how he was going to have his affairs or grab some strange now that he’s the President. I mean, sure JFK did it all the dang time. Then Bill Clinton did it and we know how that ended up. But Trump - people are WATCHING. This is totally different

And look how happy and delighted Pence looks. The difference is night and day. Which terrifies me.

Okay, thanks for helping my memory. My first presidential election was 1992, so I vaguely remember voting in 2000, and NOT for Bush. But when he was elected, I kind of shrugged it off and went about my business. I was upset but not crushed? Last night and this morning I am literally crying and worried about what is

About 10 years ago I would volunteer as an election judge in Chicago for fun times and for civic duty. I don’t know what was wrong with me *wink*. Anyway, I would like you to know that I am definitely on Team TremulousCadenceSlow, and fo’ sho’ turning away people at 7:03 was the right thing to do. Like you didn’t know

Having been an election judge - Republican unfortunately (they needed them in Chicago so I volunteered even though I’m a bleeding heart liberal) - I agree 100%. I would have turned away Crying Dude too, along with the other stragglers. Rules is rules is rules. It sucks for Crying Dude but honestly? It’s not the end of

....who DOESN’T have about 100 various lip balms and unguents on them at all times and in all places (office, home desk, bedside table, bathroom, purse, coat pocket, etc.) in case of lip emergencies?

I live in Chicago, and two weeks ago there was a woman who was silent-sob-crying on the platform and also wandering waaaaaay too close to the blue edge, right? Now I’m not one to speak to strangers, especially during rush hour, especially after a long day at work, but I also don’t want to see suicide by train.

I refuse to patronize Pret a Manger because of the enforced smiling and small talk rule that they have. No, I do not wish to engage in small talk with you, I’m sorry that you’re forced to do it as a service employee, and there are so many other places in downtown Chicago for me to eat lunch that I don’t have to do the

I’m insured with a fantastic superstar health plan through a Fortune 500 company. I have a severe chronic condition, so I pay all of my what-its, whatever I, the consumer, owe, every year. Which I guess is around 5K? Plus prescription costs, which are extra. I never read all of the fine print. My HSA helps, since that

Right, just because I sometimes check my Fortune 100 company email from my person machine doesn’t mean all 6,000 emails are downloaded to my machine through the VPN. I’m no sysadmin, but I’m thinking the Clinton sysadmin did a weird setup job for them to allow this to happen. Either that of Abedin is totally lying

I have that same Catholic Guilt™, and I’m an atheist! Being raised hard-core Catholic never goes away, does it?

Honestly, to me it sounded like yes, he was frustrated at Secretary of State Clinton for having an unsecured personal server at her residence when she obviously should have known better (or her people she employed should have known better, either/or). However, he was also frustrated at the system itself - the

Right? That’s the thing that’s killing me about him right now. Why is he doing this to himself? Maybe it’s the stroke.

My husband is half-Korean, and his Korean mother hates all African Americans, which...huh? She also hates me, for being white and not Korean (and taking her baby boy away from her), so I’m not going to be having any long in-depth discussions about her racism and why it’s like it is, but there you have it.

If you’re asking when this video was taken, it’s after his stroke. I’ve always thought of him as a moderate Republican and relatively harmless as far as Republicans go, but obviously this barb is over the line.

Okay, I realize there are a few liberals in rural areas, I get that, I do.

Now playing

Well actually, that part isn’t TOOtoo crazy. There’s an interview with, I believe, Charlie Sheen? I should Google. I know, I know, Charlie Sheen, beacon of sanity, bear with me. Well as he tells the story, he’s at a restaurant or *somewhere* with Trump and some wives/girlfriends, and Trump gives him his cufflinks

Have we done worm wound therapy yet? I need to read all the comments (there are a lot!).